People are dissapointed now? This show should have ended when Ragnar died.

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Sad ending of the mid season finale

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What a poor ending... really rushed. So much preparation for this moment and it was over for 2 seconds. What the hell?! I am super disapointed. Nothing in this season is making sense now. Please delete this episode and re-do it...

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This midseason crap is annoying. I expected this to be the end of the series but it's apparently not.
On one hand I'm pleased it is not as there's still more room for Vikings but on the other hand we lost a couple of key-characters that will, once again, leave the rest of the series in a sort of vaccuum.

I agree the historical inaccuracies in this episode were very large, which is unfortunate especially for a channel that claims to e about true History. Then again this show has had many historical flaws and it survived despite of it. The logistics of flanking over the mountains and returning to the beach to deal a final blow don't add up for me at all. It seemed a too plot related decision to do it like this even though thye could have easily kept it in the realm of the "supernatural" with the intimate beach scene. Or maybe that's just what happened... I'm not quite sure.

It seems that it's slowly falling into the Game of Thrones trap of ending things on a nonsensical note and having things happen that seem out of place. Let's hope it doesn't not happen.

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Cripple who can barely crawl without a crutch makes it into the heart of the battle and stabs almighty warrior heir of Ragnar. Come on “History” Channel, be merciful and spare us the second half of this season.

Just when I thought I was done with this show I learn there’s still another 10 episodes...

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You can skip the first 30 mins. It’s filler. And last 30 mins is just pure nonsense. Time to end this show...

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Omg that last scene was so fucking dumb, hopefully this was just a metaphor

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The Kievan Rus conquered Norway without going through Sweden, Finland or any other Baltic countries, apparently. Forget History, what about Geography? :joy:

I kinda wish Bjorn is dead so I can be properly mesmerized by a show having the bad guys winning so consistently. :laughing:

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Legendary king of Sweden dies without achieving a single thing. Oh wait he managed to marry a second woman. Nice joke Michael Hirst.

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Shout by onlime

OK, so you want to tell me that the Russians went to invade Norway by using a giant armada consisting of hundreds of ships that are driven by bucket wheels for some reason. They also have landing crafs D-Day-style.. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???
Please, History Channel, it's time do delete that "History" part from your brand name.

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I have always had a weakness for Harald. Mostly pity because things always seem to go wrong for him while he keeps dreaming about becoming King of Norway and finding love. So he achieved the first but he is still envious of Bjorn and all that Bjorn has and he'll never have. Though this episode made me question my own feelings for Harald because what he did to Ingrid made me so angry. It was rather touching to see her fall broken down into the arms of Olaf, proving once again that Olaf isn't as evil or bad as Harald would like him to be.
This was a good episode, I always love how they film the battles and how they bring new moves into it. Flashbacks, flashforwards, dialogue between characters that happen in their own minds. It's not just smashing in heads or ramming shields and swords against each other. It's the creative choices that they make whilst filming it that make each battle different from the previous. I'm so curious to see how this unfolds in the final half of the season and series. I'm hoping for a big bang and my expectations are high.

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Seriously? That’s the end ? WTF

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Sooo many things that were just off about this episode but it's as pointless to list them as it was to watch them happen. I've watched other series use the final season as a farewell tour of characters, but the majority of them were done well and gave credit to the characters. This season has just been a never-ending monotony of grand-standing monologs with no plot development or character consistency executed more as a poorly done play than the excellent television series this first was.

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I knew that they wouldn't resist doing the d-day bs.
But they managed to lose my respect on an even greater level than I imagined.

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I guess they had to throw in some triggers into the last episode. I just had to get it over with somehow.
The "We will meet again, husband" probably broke me for tonight lol. But that's my probably more thanks to my personal history :upside_down:

Not that easy to see which is reality and which is imagination anymore, with Bjorn. We'll have to wait until part 2 to figure that one out.

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Wait ! What ?! Why ?! No. This is so disappointing.

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Love the whole series straight action

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What is this ending ? Feels so brutal and frustrating...

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