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Season 2

Season 2 is clearly inferior, much more predictable and implausible than the previous one, with frankly bad episodes like the one that takes place during the kidnapping. The series has more difficulty this time in making the main couple empathetic, and the development of false culprits is boring and predictable. Outside of the submarine, the show sinks into mediocrity.

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Not a good as season one and a lot of that can be summed up like this: There's a conspiracy and 1/2 the show is about that and the other 1/2 is about gay love (included also in the conspiracy part too). Yes you're having a baby, but every scene doesn't have to be about the baby!

So some stuff happens and it's interesting but not too interesting so it's just a shadow of season 1.

I want her phone.. she spend at least a week using it constantly, but never had to stop and charge it up!!! Oddly enough she wore the same clothes the whole time and never bothered to clean up, so she must have been stinking by the end.

I was going to give it a 6/10 but that's too generous. 4.5 it is

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absolutely clumsy handling of western-middle eastern relations (fertile ground for a good drama exploring the complex intertwining of the two and many many competing & shifting interests in the region), nothing good or new there

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I loved it.
I think its well made, i like the actresses and i love their characters in the show.

I can't understand the bad comments other people left about this show. I found it thrilling and heartbreaking!
At the end of each episode - except the last one - there is always is a huge cliffhanger, it felt unnecessary to me.

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This a strange one, it’s so bad at times that is has the feel of one of those tv shows they put out at 2.30 in the afternoon on channel 5. It feels very low budget with ridiculous plot lines but by the end it’s not actually as bad as you’d thought from about episode 2. The gay love stories are both very cringy, (older, senior, angry police officer with young, pretty police officer has the feeling of grooming to me) and adds very little to the story. I scored it a 7 so if there is a season 3 I’ll probably have to watch it, procrastinating most of the way through, like I did this one!

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Utterly ludicrous unrealistic nonsense. Dreadfully poor. Don't waste your time with this shite.

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This season is simply a "grande" shit show. Don't waste your time, time to bin the series forever.

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Enjoyable second outing but not as good as the first season. Hope a third season can replicate the first season's quality.

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Yet another brilliant season.
Cracking partnership between Suranne Jones and Rose Leslie

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