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Unorthodox 2020

A very good series:100:, but the ending is unsatisfactory:broken_heart:.

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really, really good series. gripping, visually stimulating and superb cast. especially shira haas, she is amazing as esty.

i didn't know what to expect going into this show, but it really sucked me in. i keep thinking about it, the characters really stuck with me. especially since it's based on a true story.

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This was such an interesting series, it sent me down a YouTube rabbit hole the rest of my day: watching interviews, researching the source material, seeing reactions and following rabbit trails, in general. This series is inspired by a autobiographical book of the same title by Deborah Feldman. That is to say, that the story in New York was pretty close to her story but the part about Berlin was fictionalized. This is not a commentary on Ultra Orthodox Hasidic Judaism but is the story of one person’s experience leaving such a community. It deserves all the award attention it got (Emmy, BAFTA, Critics Choice, etc). The writing is tight. The story feels authentic. The story is told with compassion. Shira Haas breaks your heart and then makes you stand up and cheer. I highly recommend this curated journey to another reality. It will broaden your world view and exercise your humanity. I give this film a 10 (compelling) out of 10. [Drama]

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I've never despised a character as much as this Yanky dude since Dolores Umbridge times. Fuck that guy 100 times.

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Gets a lot more conventional once this establishes itself firmly in Berlin, although Shira Haas is such a natural, powerful presence that following familiar story beats through her eyes is still fairly involving, and this is the rare narrative where its extended flashback structure of gratifyingly little-hand-holding, specific community details actually adds much breadth to a story. The tense first episode also shows off director Maria Schrader's sturdy chops of sustaining an atmosphere of paranoid dread right off the bat for so long, without having to establish much context, that I'm kind of interested to see her take on a thriller.

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This happens when our choices are suppressed by faith.Wonderful idea but poorly executed.I could not feel the intensity and emotions of the lead character

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Shira Haas is a revelation

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This was quietly heartbreaking but also so very full of hope. I don't want to get into it too much. I'm not a religious person so there's a lot I don't get or I get mad about when it comes to religion but never did I feel judgemental watching this which to me points to incredible storytelling and much grace when it comes to extremely touchy subjects.

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Shout by Mini-J

A fantastic production with believable and raw gripping emotion. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but definitely glad that I took the leap and watched it because the acting from both Shira Haas and Amit Rahav was incredible (Google their history it’s very interesting). The length of only 4 episodes was perfect and although some are complaining about the ending, I think it left things nicely open for the imagination to run free. What will happen when Yanky returns to NY… Will Esther get the scholarship and keep the baby… But one thing is for sure, that final scene makes it very clear that Esther finally found her place and was beginning to feel like she belonged :blush:

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A story from the depths of religion

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Good series, too bad season 1 only has 4 parts.

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I expected more but still a descent mini tv show. 7.3/10

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It was an emotional experience. Now, I respect every and any faith and belief someone has, but I find it so hard to accept some aspects of said faiths. How can it be that in 2021 women are considered a lesser "species"? What about other sexual orientations? Body contact? A drink now and then? Eating this but not that? I'm happy for everyone that looks up to a Higher Being, but please be rational.
This series made me angry on so many levels. I still cannot believe these things happen to this day. Again, no offense to anyone, but we should also use our brains. Do I recommend this series? It depends if you are even-tempered and curious to watch a dramatization based on real facts.

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Great series from the first minute to the last. Without exaggerations, real good acting and tackling a mostly unknown topic, it gives a peak into a world unknown to most, a peak worth taking. Definitely recommended.

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El final es super mehhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Shout by Deleted

That was a good watch, 4 hours of my life well spent I wish it was longer. :clap::clap:Deborah Feldman.

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really excited for this, the trailer looks so cool!

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