"This cocoon is larger"... Julia that's my balls after this premiere.

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Shout by dgw

It held my attention. Not sure if that's because it was actually good or I was just glued to it like watching a train wreck, but I finished the whole double episode in one go. Didn't realize Under the Dome would become The Matrix for an hour though.

Didn't find it as awful as some reviewers did. 7.5/10 from me.

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Shout by Simon

What in the world? Loved the novel, could never understand how they could go beyond a single season, to go to three that's a stretch. This is how! Wow. Are the scripting guys given scope or what!....

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Julia tão patética não em enxerga as coisas, que protagonista chata. pra min Norrie melhorou, não tá aquela emburrada de antes, tá quase outra pessoa.

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50 kinds of awfull ... From an epic first season.. i can now say i've watched the downhill of one of my fav shows.

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