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Under the Dome 2013

This is one of the worst series of the last couple of years. The plot and the acting is as bad as it gets. Honestly it made me wonder about my tv addiction cause I gave it a chance for a complete season. 2 Eps into season 2 it got even worse and I bailed...

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This show's plot and script changes from obvious to random every 5 minutes.

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I like this show. I think it's pretty awesome that Steven Spielberg and Stephen King managed to pull off a second season. For everyone bitching about season 2, this was originaly a mini series. Not planned, written or prepared passed season 1. They were shocked it was renewed. I love this show and it had to eventually go somewhere. Although I do not like the killing Angie off... shoulda been big jim.

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Shout by Romy
BlockedParent2020-03-01T09:55:45Z— updated 2020-03-03T06:16:58Z

Until season 2 it was going so good but season 3 is full of crap

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1 and 2 season saying the same thing for beautiful , but unfortunately I can not Season 3

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The show wasn't spectacular but it had gas to make us want to watch it to the end. The curiosity keeps you going without dissapointment. Normally the spectacular shows get bad at the end. I'd say give the first episode ago, if you like it keep going. Otherwise try something else.

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Season 1 and 2 are very good, but season 3 is completely different... For me season 2 finale is the end of the series

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Shout by GenX
BlockedParent2020-04-14T06:46:50Z— updated 2021-03-20T05:00:44Z

I’ve always been a fan of King adaptations. And UTD’s premise may seem cliche at first glance, but in true King style, a story can take a turn and introduce you to the wild side of King’s world. The show started out great in my opinion, but then it lost momentum after the first season. Did too much, in too short of time, and too little when it should have mattered most to keep the story arc alive. There’s not very many sci-fi shows you’d catch me saying I would bail on, no matter how much it would start to drag or turn into a backwood disaster. This show, by season 3, started to do just that for me though. I made it through to the end, but it was hard to do and the ending left me feeling greatly unsatisfied.

I think anyone giving it a try for the first time would enjoy season 1, but after that, I’m unsure they could say the writers successfully stayed on track with this show, and the direction all throughout season 3 was virtually nonexistent which I feel would be evident to just about anyone that would watch.

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First season was good but the rest of them was all screwed up. So I stopped watching and removed it from my recordings........

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Based on a Stephen King book, a Steven Spielberg production, lots of fledgling actors that went on to impressive careers, great established performers. This series had a potential from which it fell way short. After 8 episodes, and, reinforced by other reviews that said it just gets worse and never gives credible answers to the mystery at it's centre, I was ready to abandon it, but I resolved to finish the first 13 episodes (Season 1) that were originally a whole mini-series. My recommendation is DON'T BOTHER. What I saw was sloppy writing, uninspiring characters and plot lines that veer off everywhere and go nowhere. It was a big disappointment. The series deviated so much from the original book as to be unrecognizably as Stephen King fiction. I was looking for something great. I found a mess. I give it a 4 (poor) out of 10, and it is now listed in my ABANDONED list. [SciFantasy]

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It was very good at the beginning but it got so silly at the end with people traveling in and out the dome whenever they want

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Indecente!!!! La serie più inguardabile che abbia mai visto!!!

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L'episodio più interessante è meglio scritto di tutta la stagione....

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What started as an intriguing sci-fi broadcast summer show quickly turned into one of the best so bad it's good comedies on TV.

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Awesome first 2 seasons then the writers got board and just wanted to end everything. Got really dumb in season 3 and only watched to get to an ending!!!!!!!

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it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't great. i say a rating of 6.5 on a scale of 1-10. Or a grade of D+ on a A, B, C, D and F scale.

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I loved the first two season, but the last season just got so weird it kind of ruined it for me.

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Shout by nextstep
BlockedParent2015-09-14T22:51:14Z— updated 2024-05-25T00:20:24Z

Avoid this series! While Britt Robertson and Natalie Martinez gave notable performances, their characters didn't last long. Season one was decent, but season two was silly, and season three was simply stupid beyond belief. With no proper ending, it leaves viewers hanging with unresolved cliffhangers. Many high ratings likely stem from viewers who rated the series before season two aired. The term "miniseries" was misleadingly used for a show that clearly wasn't intended to be one from the start. Television networks have capitalized on terms like "Mini Series," "Event Series," and "Limited Series" since 2013 to deflect blame for cancellations. Beware of series labeled as such with more than eight episodes and low production value, as they may never conclude satisfactorily. FOX's "event series" label, introduced in 2014, often leads to similarly open-ended shows. While these terms offer the possibility of renewal based on ratings, they're designed to manage viewer expectations and minimize complaints about unresolved storylines.

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i think this is very bad tv show, don't watch it, save your time.

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"Under the Dumb." Utterly moronic plots (stupid people doing stupid things for stupid reasons) with execrable dialogue (all exposition, obsessed with reminding the viewer what happened two minutes ago,) I just wanted all the characters to stop talking. I watched all three seasons so that you don't have to.

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First season was interesting enough to get you hooked, but it all went downhill fast afterwards...

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Shout by Deleted

Empieza siendo una serie interesante para terminar siendo una serie penosa

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Wow.. they really turned that book into a tv show. i'm so not going to watch it.

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I like This show .. juila and barbie nice couple i have ever seen ..

i hope season 3 not a final :(

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Shout by Deleted

I loved this show and couldn't wait for it to begin, and now that miss CSI is there and taking up all the air time, all I want is for it to end. Very disappointed and will not watch anymore. The people from the first seasons are put aside for a new face. And she was just to be a guest, wtf did she sleep with the director, I guess she did.

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can't get the series 3 episode 3 ?

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Shout by Deleted

Empieza interesante y se convierte en una serie penosa

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Can't really feel a bond with any of the characters. Acting seems shallow, music is highly overdramatizing scenes that don't need it. Still makes me want to know what the dome is and what happens.

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Shout by Deleted

They know how to turn a great book into a shit

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Season one was nice. Why is season two so bad?

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Shout by Spooky

I cannot believe Big Jim is the new Sheriff!!!!!!!!!!!! Whaaaaat! He doesn't even know about Zenith. What a scrub! Although, I do love some crazy Big Jim behavior.


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Shout by Deleted

Heel erg benieuwd ga zeker kijken vanavond.

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They just recently annouced that this is no longer a mini-series, but now will be an ongoing series. The writing on this series is already too loose, but I was hanging in for the end game. Now that there will not be one, I am out.

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Shout by Will

Sex scene in the first three minutes of a new show.

Sad! But hey, sex sells right.

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I hate this show with passion. The book it's based on is one of the best Stephen King has ever written, but this? They gave up on all the logic he so carefully invented and described, they softened everything gross and they changed the story for worse. Why does anybody want to film a story from one of the best storytellers on the planet, and then completely rewrite it? It blows my mind.

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Do not waste your time.

There first season is interesting enough to get you hooked and then it’s all downhill. I just wanted it to end. I only watched all 3 episodes to get an ending. It looks like it wasn’t renewed for season 4 so it never even gave a proper ending. Awful

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Absolute waste of time. The story didn't make sense at ANY point. Acting is bad. CGI is bad. Do not recommend!

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entertaining and boring at the same time

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Brain damage , that what you will get from watching this ...
there is only one thing good in this show the curiosity it will keep you going , however your brain get turned off by the acting and the nonsense stuff that going on .
maybe i finished it because i like this genre so it was my kind of thing but still i can't believe i did finish it .

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Episodes are a bit childish and the acting is awful.

Although the plot is good, I think movie writers included scenes which are supposed to be included in every movie. You will know it when you see it. And almost each episode looks like it is unreasonably long.

This series have big potential for becoming one great tv series, but it went wrong. I will watch it till the end (just finished season 2) of the series, but I don't think it will gets better.

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I was bold and didn't let the negative comments discourage me from watching this series. I wouldn't call it the worst, but I completely agree that only season 1 makes actual sense and is enjoyable to watch. I'm in middle of season 2 and the plot makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, everyone is completely irrational and characters feel just forced.

Acting is alright, some actors are good, some are mediocre or a little green, but that wasn't the reason I'll be stopping after season 2 - the writing is.

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I love this show. Too bad no season 4.

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This is one of the best shows I have seen. Too bad no season 4.

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If you're reading this comment, i'm pretty sure you read the other comments that trashed this show. Well, lemme tell you, i read them too before I started watching Under the Dome, I'm just glad i didn't listen to what some people with shi**y taste in tv shows, and went ahead and watched this amazing series! too bad they didn't finish the entire story. Hopefully one day it will get picked up again.

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At first it was very promising with great episodes, but was getting lost over the seasons and was canceled with a meaningless ending.

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Shout by Deleted

this was a HUGE disappointment. as a King junkie and a tv addict, i had high hopes. perhaps my hopes were too high, considering i've actually read the book. i suppose i was hoping to see my vision of the book on screen, as with The Stand and Pet Sematary, so many years ago. this was not that. maybe they were trying for a TrueBlood type hit, where it slowly veered so far from the books that it became a whole new story. sorry, sai king, it didn't make it. this departed from the book after S1E1 and not in a delightful way. i hope they keep trying. there are so many King books ripe for a series. i know its been said that there are too many production difficulties in making the Dark Tower into a movie, yet they did, and it was just awful. it would be much better represented as a long running series. yeah, yeah, not the place for that opinion, but there it is. deal.

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is this a drama show?? oh no..rather comedy, i guess.

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the world would be a better place if season two and three didn't exist. so much love for season one tho

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Shout by Deleted

Season 3 is really bad, specially the end.

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Shout by mg_grey
BlockedParent2016-08-08T13:29:31Z— updated 2016-08-09T15:52:12Z

Tbh, I liked season 1, just the first one, and then the rest felt too random and half-hearted. I gave it a 2/10 cause it was too terrible that by the end, I'm not even happy watching anymore and to remind myself never to watch it again.

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Shout by bakubaku

The initial plot was good - but it turned into a stupid grind for viewers and actors, wish I didn't start watching!!

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I was very upset when Angie died but other than that it's a great show 10/10

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Only season 1 and 2 are good, at the end of season 2 it's getting boring...

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I loved this show and enjoyed watching it till the end but I have to say that the first two seasons were amazing, the third went grasping for straws in my opinion. They let you in on the big plot too soon which spoils the story that you come to love in the first two seasons. Still, the characters are great and it is a well written story.

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L'inizio é promettente e quindi alla fine lo vuoi vedere tutto ma diciamo che ripensandoci questa serie é abbastanza ridicola sia nella sceneggiatura che nella recitazione. Mi ha dato l'idea del classico prodotto dove ci sono reazioni stupide a cose stupide... diciamo per il classico americano medio.

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Just finished watching the series after devouring it in a few weeks. I say devouring because the ending of each episode was very enticing to watch the next one and I was always left wanting one more. I loved the season 1 and 2. Season 3 was actually really bad, but for me it got a little better as it was reaching the ending. The storyline went a lot crazy (bad) and I wish they would kept it more "real" though.
I'll give it a good score thanks to the first two seasons.

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Shout by Deleted

First season was good, second season was decent but third season was horrible. Avoid it like plague.

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Shout by Deleted

First season was good, second season was decent but third season was horrible. Avoid it like plague.

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Shout by Deleted

This show is so bad in every single way that I loved it. Turn it into a drinking game, every time junior says something dumb, or the word science is used, when ever anyone dose something stupid. You may never see the end of a single episode and a detox might be needed. But hey it works to make the show watchable

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Shout by Deleted

I loved to hate this show. It was so bad I could not turn away from it. Seriously turn this show into a drinking game. In season 2 take a drink for anytime the word science is said. On the one why is that lady working as a teacher in Chester mills, she seems to be fully qualified for everything dr

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I loved the book by Stephen King and I thought I'd love the show, too! So the first couple episodes in you will notice that some major points have been changed from the book. Characters are different or added or removed compared to the book, but thats okay because the changes mostly make sense.
Towards the end of season one I slowly got the idea that this show isn't going to end anytime soon. The plot has been changed to the point where it barely resembled the story of the book. Basically some characters share the same names and there is a large alien structure blocking the citizens from leaving.
I don't like it. They turned SKs book into a melodramatic piece of shit. The conclusion of season one didn't make any sense at all. The whole show is structured around cliffhangers, probably because they know the script is shit and need you to hook with psychology instead of quality.

Avoid this show at all costs. It goes downhill from shit to even worse in S02E01. I couldn't even finish the episode. Think Daxter, but with the decline right after the first half of the first season.

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Not the best show these days, but I wouldn't say it's one of the worst series. Season one and three weren't that bad! Season two was the only season that was absolutely unwatchable. Though, after just finishing season three, I'm kind of let down this was the last season...

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Shout by Deleted

LOVE THIS SHOW! So sad to say goodbye it was an amazing ride while it lasted!

MUST SEE SHOW! Especially, if u r a fan of Stephen King stories, even if u read the book, it's based on the book, not exactly the same as the book - each week's twists & turns, and added character development makes it just keep getting better & better. It is a show that never let's u get too comfortable, it's unpredictable style keeps things continuously fresh & exciting, never a dull moment in Chester's Mill - especially w/BIG JIM RENNIE around! Also, just because they r under a huge dome preventing ppl from going in or out - don't ever think just because u have seen an episode or two u have met all the characters - new personalities come & go all the way to the end!

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Shout by ꧁『marr』

Under The Dome started out great, the first season was awesome. Near the second seasons finale, it got a bit.. boring. But to me, it certainly isn't the worst show in years. I did not like the way the show ended. I hate open endings, period. What's with that newfound egg, Kinship 2.0?! How did the chick even survive that fall? Are Joe and Norrie gonna get back together? So many new questions..

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If you want to maintain your sanity, never watch this show.

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sadly, this is it for the show...

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Really enjoyed the first season but towards the end it got so convoluted. It's turned into helix, moved away from its premise and completely lost its way. Gone from a great show to a bit of a stinker. How season 2 got picked up I'll never know

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Shout by Deleted

Que interesante quedo el final del capitulo doble, que ira a pasar!!!???? Mi
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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I wasn't sure if I would continue watching this show after season 2. But then the start of season 3 had me one the edge of my seat again. I can't wait to see what's coming next.

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Shout by ꧁『marr』

Why does Big Jim kill all these people... seriously! HE is the one that should die :@

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Shout by Deleted

I love it !!
it's Awesome !

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Perfeita 0

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Perfeita 0

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Perfeita 0

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Perfeita 0

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Perfeita 0

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Perfeita 0

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Shout by Deleted

Will that be enough to get a third season? I feel a bit disappointed

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

der z no action 1bit

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Shout by Deleted

This show is the butt of so much derision and rightly so but it makes for good laughs.

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I love this show! But at 2 episodes before the end, just hoping that will not end like Lost!

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Shout by Deleted

this show is really good it's one of my favorites now i recommend everyone to watch this show

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A show based on an interesting idea but badly executed. Shallow characters and predictable outcomes didnt keep me hooked for long... After a few episodes, I stopped watching...

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"I'm not saying it was aliens... But it was aliens" - Giorgio Tsoukalos

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Shout by Deleted

This show has bad acting...but I still want to know how it's all going on...

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Shout by Deleted

Love this tv show

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When in life do you say "I need to borrow your prius" --- Most people would say "i need to borrow your car" stupid product placement!

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Shout by Deleted

I like Joe (Colin Ford) and the serie is very good

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Shout by Deleted

i love this tv show

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Shout by Deleted

great show!!

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Enough of the crappy windows tablet close-ups!

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Shout by Deleted

Voy por el capítulo 4 de la primera temporada y no me engancha todavía ... Le daré oportunidad hasta el capítulo 5

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Shout by Deleted

Impaciente para que empiece la próxima temporada

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Shout by Alex

Linda and ?Angie? died... Wow a big twist here!!!... I look forward for the next episode....

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