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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Season 2

I still can't entirely decide if this is the funniest show ever or if it's just kind of dumb. It sits there right on top of the fence, wobbling majestically. I feel like if I was more up on what's trendy I'd laugh a lot more as they harp on it, but most of it probably goes over my head. Except the Kardashian episode. That crap was hysterical.

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I adored the first season and eagerly binge watched the entirety in a day but with this season it's taken me over a week to get 5 episodes in. I'm not 100% sure why but this season just feels a little off and it's really quite dull.

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The first two episodes are basically crap, but then the series finds its feet and suddenly becomes consistently great, even better than in season 1.

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Season 2 started OK, but got better and better. By episode 6 & 7 it just hit it's stride and got very funny

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Shout by dgw

Average episode rating this season: 5.76923076923…

I just can't really get into this show. It feels like it's trying too hard, maybe? Can't figure out why.

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I love to see the characters of this show growing. It makes me so happy :)

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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Season 2 Review

Suffice to say, if you enjoyed Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt's unhinged characters, mile-a-minute jokes and beaming optimism in Season 1, then you'll feel right at home with this latest offering. While a few dud storylines and longer episode runtimes drag Season 2 down a bit, it has just as many laughs as last time and even more musical numbers. And as always the cast here is delightful, especially Kemper and Burgess.

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