Personal Lists featuring...

UFO 1970


As of 3/3/2024

The following is a list of series from 1950-2023. Series within were in the top ten of both Trakt’s Popular & Trakt’s All Time Watched in each of their respective years. The exception to that sole guideline above was the years 1950-1955, where the top ten were cross reference as a group as opposed to individual years.


TV-shows released and aired between 1970 & 1979, or beyond.
*last update 30/04/2024
(all Japanese anime have been removed and transferred to dedicated collection)


My import Watchlist for Sonarr


Series that I know for a fact that I watched every single episode of. There are others where I think I watched them all but from a time where I didn't quite track everything as religiously as now.


TV shows I might get around to watch at some point
