It's a lot like the100
But I think it's good. I'll give it a chance.

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This is even worse than I expected.

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Elja looks just like Fred Savage.

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With vibes of 1980 dystopian childrens TV series, this is reminder that Netflix efforts to internationalise its media production doesn't always work

Theres nothing here to attract an investment in my time. Maybe ok for younger teenagers who don't have access to any older TV

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I don't like it tbh (and I already had low expectations :o).


  • Nice sets
  • Good costumes


  • In some scenes there seemed to be weird camera lens distortions (are they using wide-angle lenses?)
  • There's very few Sci-Fi and CGI so far
  • It's in German (and I'm even from Germany... :o :D)
    • It's actually Denglisch (a few English words in the German dialogues and they often speak English - in which case Netflix presents me forced subtitles in German...)
    • The dialogues felt very weird (always so formal, not like I'd speak)
  • Towards the end it got pretty crazy and felt unnecessarily brutal

Anyway, some might enjoy it but I'll likely quit after this first episode.

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The lights and the whole story is terrifying!

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