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Treason 2022

Omg...this series was written by HS student!!! Don't waste your time.

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don't waste your time, watch something else.

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Not the greatest spy show of all time but sometimes it's nice to watch something you don't have to think too much about. Iliked it

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I have no idea what is so much to hate here. It's fine. If you like a good spy thriller/espionage story, this is predictable but competent.

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This show is terrible.... Avoid.

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[Netflix] A monotonous yet predictable spy series that takes itself too seriously, as if it's building a complex plot that is actually too basic. The multiple perspective (is Adam Lawrence really the protagonist?) seems like a tool to entangle the story and lengthen it into five episodes that are already too many. There is little to find in this thriller that reflects without too much conviction on loyalties and homelands, much less rightly than "A spy among friends" (2022), for example.

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Great show - have no idea why people are hating it on here...

There are only 5 episodes. The first 4 are great, but the finale is full of holes like the writer just ran out of any ideas on how to wrap it up and it turned into a typical Hollywood ending... literally, everything that happened has been done on dozens of movies/TV shows! Including creating stupid scenarios that defy logic.


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Was Charlie filming this fresh off of Daredevil? Why was he still acting like he's blind? :joy: Guess it must be just how he is, which explains why he's PERFECT as Matt Murdock. :raised_hands_tone1: ANYWAYS, second half is definitely better than the first. But still I wouldn't say I'm glad I watched it. Also, it's one of few shows where it doesn't matter who's bad and who's good, I found them all to be equally unlikable and gross. Except maybe for Kara.

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A good solid Espionage story. Great twists at the end, with some people getting their just desserts, well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:.

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Contrary to other comments, I really enjoyed this, a good solid story line without gimmickry which you so often find these days. For me, it's a definite want more.

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As a fan of political thrillers, I was entertained by Treason. This show is suspenseful and has a cast of complex and intriguing characters that kept me interested. One of the things I liked about Treason was the attention to detail in the writing and the performances by the cast. Treason is smart, well-paced, and filled with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing.

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5 words? Boring, boring, boring

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Where is Charlie cox looking at. He acts like he is playing dare devil. He doesn't look at is talking partner at all. He is not blind in this series. Olga plays a fine role, but it annoys to watch especially because Charlie keeps looking away.

To bad, watched 1 episode and it will probably stay at that.

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I’d go with most of the reviews here. Avoid! The deputy head of MI6, steps up to fill the boots of his boss and his first job is to call his wife and promise he’ll be home in time to put the kids to bed! Like, seriously? It goes rapidly downhill hill from there. Bunch of C List actors working with an E list script. The new head of MI6 is TOTALLY miscast, too young, completely out of place. Wife who looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights, way too over enthusiastic pre-teen son and a sulky teenage daughter all of whom act like they learned their roles from watching an equally rubbish TV series.

Absolutely dire. Ridiculous story line. Even Olga Kurylenko wasn’t enough to save it.

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This is so bad I'm actually angry I'll never get those 2 hours back.

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This series is very unbelievable. Many situations that shape the story are simply not realistic at all. Surely MI6 isn't just made up of incompetent people?

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The only traitor in this is the bloody wife!

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This series is not horrible, but it's also not so good either. It's just mediocre thru-and-thru. I'd much rather watch Cox as Daredevil. At5 least we dont have to worry about a second season as this was a limited series.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Glad that it was short.

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