Now that's how you end a show and that's how you arrive back home in style.

Great show finale and they rapped everything up so well. Katherine is so Awesome and I would definitely follow her as Captain.

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Fantastic beginning of the end for the season finale,
Absolutely love all the time stuff makes a Awesome exciting thrilling episode.
I absolutely love how they are telling two stories simultaneously, so clever and so smooth the transitions, Kudos to the writers. Loving where 7 is in this episode she has come a long way and I am so proud of her. And I am so glad that we have the relentless Borg to close the show finale. The Borg are my favourite of all time and you can't close a trek show off without their involvement.
What the Darleks are to Doctor who so are
The Borg to star trek.
This was an amazing setup episode for the show finale and now it's shields up, maximum warp for the finish. We are in the Endgame now and this END will be sad and get me in the feels but also spectacular and phenomenal at the
same time.

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