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Tokyo ESP 2014

After watches the first episode I was like ok, this is going to be a good show, i mean, it has a lot of characters with superpowers and a dark story... Sadly i was so wrong, after the first episode the show stucked episode after episode, the bad guys could easily kill everyone but they didn't and the villain was overpowered by a..... pelican? Lol.

They could have done a better job with this, the MC were not likeable and badass enough, maybe a second season could raise the reputation but i don't think that's going to happen... anyways, don't waste your time with this, there are tons of animes better.

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Shout by sp1ti

It wouldn't be a lie to say this show heavily inspired by X-Men but way worse. Weak characters, bad story telling (starting in the future and then working it's way back there but throwing in tons of "will they survive it?" moments anyways), inadequate animation and random music choices. I didn't flat out hate the show but it had weird moments from the get go however they earned it with bad antagonists, stalling and then loosing any kind of pace. I was seriously blown away by it's final episode which is a horribly rushed piece of paint-by-numbers... it was too funny.

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