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Titans: Season 3

3x03 Hank & Dove

Yes, I really enjoyed that episode. It's quite sad and shitty the way that it ended. They should not have had Hank be that stupid and gullible. Instead they should have had him just show up at the gym maybe but have him get knocked out by tranquilizers or some fashion and then wake up with it. Add in something else to fill that episode time. I think that they just wanted one more time to see Hank naked before he was gone. They couldn't do it with him and Dawn having sex at that point because then everyone would be saying why would they have sex and increase his heart beat plus it would kill Dawn.

Nothing like putting the detonator in the gun, nice twist but poor Dawn. Looking forward to the next episode.

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I mean God damn the suspense in this episode

I felt depressed at the end

Hank isn't my favorite character but nevertheless seeing him die like that was just sad especially that Dove indirectly was the one who killed him, now we'll deal with endless guilt in the coming episodes

Another thing, I didn't like how Hank fell for Jason's trap that easily, seemed forced from the writes to get him into this situation

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Seeing how my rant about the horrible S02 finale became top comment for that episode, I'm now very glad to write that the quality of the first 3 episodes of S03 is an enormous improvement!

Yes, like always, there are some flaws (I mean How could Hank not see that trap coming from miles away). But overall, since that S02 disaster it has continued much, much, much better than I had hoped beforehand.
Hope they keep this quality up for the rest of the season!

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OMG I can't believe it, that was just evil, really, purely evil. Hank was by no means my fave character but that ending was heartbreaking

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This show has hooked my upp since the Episode first minutes of first Episode on season 1. I love the the darkness. And how well they going on its characters and damn this first 3 episodes of season one was amazing. The Red Hood is the cherife in Gotham now. It's time for old Bruce to come home!

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Hank shows the most frustration at the Red Hood reveal and then almost immediately Red Hood calls him. Then Hank goes looking for him and complies with everything he asks. Really lazy writing.

I'm really not digging the Red Hood character, similar to Bruce Wayne's character work. It's a combination of poor writing and some really poor acting on the actors part. I'm really enjoying Superboy however - some great casting there, and a character I'd love to see more of.

The end of this episode is fantastic though. Knowing that the actor playing Hank was going to the Amazon Prime series Reacher, it was obvious he was going to be leaving or dying.

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Really getting better with each episode of season 3.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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My only problem is Dr. Krane/Scare Crow being a stoner. Spoiler: we all knew Jason was the Red Hood, yet I still feel like it was revealed a little too soon.
Though this was great edge of your seat episode.

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Not really how i expected to end and yet somehow i expected it
Im a bit i dont know

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Holy shit. Is Titans getting.....good?

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