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Titans: Season 3

3x01 Barbara Gordon

Still struggling with the Bruce Wayne casting choice. Ugh. Just doesn't feel like any version of him that I've seen or read at all.
Barbara Gordon however! Wow. Loving her portrayal so far. And looks like they've cast an actor who lost a leg too. Albeit not the same injury as Barbara but still. Sometimes it can be disappointing when they hire someone who fits a role in more than one way or simply because of it as they often miss out on casting someone who can actually act (Ruby Rose). But in this instance it seems they got a two for one coz she nailed it. Looking forward to more.

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Jason's death was... meh, very poorly executed. The animated movie did it way better.
Also not a big fan of Bruce, he feels weird.

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People shouldn’t complain when Titans is at least not a CW show. It really isn’t bad when the Flash is a barely watchable goody tissue series now.
Some lines are still cringe though. Last season was Starfire saying Bruce Wayne mansplained. This season she says “I know, I’m hot.” Her version of Starfire is still awful since she’s too ego and makes me miss the personality of the cartoon series version.
The actor who plays Bruce Wayne would have made a better Alfred. He’s too laid back. It would help if we actually saw him kick ass as Batman. I heard that isn’t the plan at all though.
Some big things happen in this episode despite more talking than action.

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I have a bad feeling about this season. I hope I'm very wrong.

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Whoa. I liked all the season that was setup in a pretty dark universe, but holy moly this episode is going places. I like the fact they didn't go too far with Jason Todd's death. They know the audience is pretty much DC savvy at this point, and they kinda used the same Red Hood creation plot. The pace is so amazing and that ending is freaking PERFECT. This Bruce Wayne fits SOOO perfectly in this universe.

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OMG! What an season 3 premiere! I got chills- I just got remembered why this is one of the best shows!

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That ending was so messed up man!

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I feel like they could have done so much more with Jason's scene. It was okay, just maybe a notch higher on the creepy, thriller scale would have been nice since it was supposed to be a haunting and grotesque scene. I wanted to want to look away, but I didn't get that. Also, the music during the first Titans fight scene was so weird. It could have been a good scene (my god, those bone cracking sounds would have been so satisfying without that tune) but it looked... jokey. Definitely not Titans vibe.

I do like the build up of Dick investigating what Robin was up to. And hello, Barbara and Tim (and the other Robin nods, dang)! Here's to hoping we get some young Barb as Batgirl flashbacks.

Wonder what's happening to Kori; where's Dove, and when are we getting Rachel back? Hopefully we're back to the whole Titans crew in the next episode.

I reallyyy wanna like this season. Season 1 was okay, and Season 2 was really good! ... so I definitely came into this season with at least some expectations.

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A huge step up from season 2 for now. Hope they keep the momentum.

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Shout by Mike

How can you cast Tim Drake so wrong?

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The writing for Bruce on this show sucks.

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