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Titans: Season 2

2x03 Ghosts

I hope this gets better. I mean, im sure it´s not the same as season 1, now there is a big villain and all. But not seeing the guys in their costumes makes me feel the show as a random drama show. There is not a lot of action neither, so i hope this gets better

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The Deathstroke suit is perfect.

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This was a bit of a boring episode. I know this is only the third episode, but everything other than Jason and Gar going to the underground train station seemed stuck in the same place instead of moving forward. Even the original Titans going to the stadium after Doctor Light seemed that way. Some people would probably consider that nitpicking, and that may be correct. But I, by no means, dislike this episode. I think it was a little boring, that's all. It'll probably start picking up and getting pretty enjoyable. I have no doubt about that. I'm glad that this season will consist of thirteen episodes.

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Just boring, we need them in suits asap and more action please otherwise it’s just a drama show.

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Last season came in with a bang. So far, very disappointing. Mostly boring dialogue and drama. I'll probably watch one or two more episodes unless dramatically improves.

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Watched Episodes 1 and 2. So far, those episodes watched me as I fell asleep. I really hope this gets better.

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Bored, bored, bored, boring, bored.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Really not feeling this season. Has the actress playing Rachel always been this bad and I'm only just noticing? It seems worse this season. That kitchen scene with Rose was just terrible.

I hope it all builds to a more natural group dynamic coz it's all over at the mo.

Comic spoiler below:
Also I find it interesting that like in the comics some bad shit went down the first time they tried the Titans group and here Donna is the one feeling it. When in the comics the bad shit was her character getting killed that splintered the group. Wonder what happened here (no pun intended)

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Worthy.Climax fight was simply awesome and ends interesting.Still the development was too boring.Its like they have a short script and filling episodes with 70% unnecessary scenes

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I need to emphasize again that I have no connection to the source material whatsoever. I don't care how the characters compare or how their arcs are translated. For me this is a show amongst many that I watch for entertainment. By that guideline I am being entertained less with every episode. I am fearing this is turning into another generic hero show.
The Kory plot is a total letdown so far. Utterly boring. Even without knowing anything about those characters the whole thing is too predictable. That Dr. Light is an idiot. It's the kind of villain that I can't take serious. He's too comical.
Deathstroke looks to be interesting, but I really couldn't care less if he'd kill Jason.

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I'm not very fond of predictable "impulsive kid will do impulsive thing and get into lots of trouble for it"-tropes, neither the "I'll make x proud by doing y although x has shown multiple times that instead of doing y what would make them proud is doing z"....... aka "impulsive/stupid kid"-trope. Don't like it.

But I did like they gave Gar more than one moment of hesitation and "Let's call Dick". Just sad he let himself get swept away entirely after all. Let's see how badly this is going to go down for them all.

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I've been surprised how much these comments are stupid lmao. Of course it have more drama than the awful CW shows, it's because they're more close to the reality (obviously it's not 100% reality but have the human limitations as well, which is very nice to be attached).

But I'm truly surprised of how this episode was well made (unless the scene actions because the editing was too off-time with the action itself), putting the development of 'bad' Jason Todd (that Jason when he got killed promised to be sorta of an avenger becoming the Res Hood), and the Deathstroke as the TRUE villain, instead of that crappy Trigon. The psychological battle, it's the most present battle in the background stories of every character related (including at the comic books), so it's very pleasant to see this is the focus at this season.

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What a fucking mess this show as turned into... Retcons left and right with off screen developments to both story and characters. Season 1 was absolute trash but if you want to change and fix your mistakes do it gradually, not everything in one turn.

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Jeez, Doctor Light has been hitting the gym! That's a bit of an odd direction, but it seems to work.

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Shout by kinky

I find the other comments around here surprising, because this was the first episode of the second season that didn't get me bored out of my skull. It was the first episode I genuinely enjoyed. Things seem to be shaping up, now, and this season is finally picking up its pace.

Still, it's been no match for the first season, so far, sadly... The Gifted suffered from the same thing and ended up being cancelled. But I'm confident that this season is just starting to kick things up a notch.

And still, no Superboy or his doggo in sight. Not that their absence hurts the show, but I'm really looking forward to seeing them, after they were both teased at the end of season one's finale.

Also, I get a bit annoyed that they keep announcing the Titans Tower on screen. They wouldn't have to do that if they'd just made it right, you know, in a friggin' T shape.

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Who cast this show?!? Such db acting and awful dialogue to go along with it

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So, any guesses on just how many episodes Jason will make it through?

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The Starfire stuff has been a let down. It’s especially boring in this one. While she just doesn’t feel like Starfire.
I get why she isn’t orange. She wouldn’t exactly blend in. She could at least have some personality though.
With Dick training and the Titans training so much. This season feels like Arrow when it was good. Especially since it was at its best when Deathstroke was the villain.

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