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Titans: Season 2

2x01 Trigon

Decent episode but shouldn't have been the season premiere. It would've been better off as the season finale of the first season. I wouldn't be surprised if this episode was intended to be just that. It certainly would've worked a whole lot better. And Trigon's defeat was very anticlimactic. I'm sure that was because he won't be the focus of the season which is why this should've been the season finale of the first season and not this season's premiere. I don't get why it was decided otherwise, but it is what it is.

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Alright, I can't be the only one who thought Bruce was actually Alfred when he came out, right??! And what about that bald spot?!! I mean SERIOUSLY!!!

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I'll admit, I was a bit thrown aback, if not disappointed, by the fact they disposed of the threat they spent an entire season building up not even thirty minutes into the episode and in such low-key fashion; but I've to say, that frown turned to a big child-like grin the moment the "eye-patch" came into focus, I'm really looking forward to seeing such an iconic character of the Titans franchise brought into this adaptation and I hope they treat the character well and respect his story.

All in all, while it didn't exactly the deliver on the hype it promised with last season's finale, it was a fair episode that offered the show an exciting new story and character development; great casting decision on Bruce as well, a bit old for the role I feel but great nonetheless.

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And then there was Deathstroke! A solid nemesis for the Titans if a little mixed around with timing.
The Trigon climax was a bit odd... But not as odd as the casting choice for Bruce Wayne.
A strong actor for sure, but he isn't quite nailing that American accent nor fitting the old batman vibe. When he first appeared on screen I assumed he was Alfred.

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Half of this should have been the ending to season 1. The could have started season 2 with this move to San Fran. The bird people did nothing but beat up Gar. When they went to get Jason Todd I thought that they might have needed him. Like maybe because he was such a dick the temptation to be an asshole would have been so strong. They used him like everyone else.

It seems like they just didn't know what to do with Trigon once they had him. I understand. He's to powerful to use on a group that doesn't have it's shit together.

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So that diffidently should have been the ending for season 1.

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the acting... the makeup... man, it was painfull

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As a viewer I think the worst thing that could happen to me is that they change an actor but actually I wouldn't mind if they change Teagan Croft for another actress, it's already second season and I still don't see Raven in her, not even a little.
Pity script for a premiere.

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Weak episode. Especially for opening a season. Hopefully, rest of season picks up

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The Raven’s actress still need to take some acting classes.

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Shallow writing that doesn't invest you in anything or anyone combined with a great disconnect of dealing with last season finale within 30 minutes. This didn't feel like a first episode of a new season but more of a lackluster season finale.

Even though it's all the rage to have overpowered mary sues and one-hit kills of major bad guys I don't understand why veteran writers (if they are) would make these kind of storytelling mishaps. It's like they never got lessons in the craft of writing or storytelling, the importance of structure, pacing and everything else that makes a good story. You don't have a goodbye scene in your first episode as you don't kill last seasons bad guy in one fucking swoop.

Finally: Bruce has been miscast in my opinion.

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This was a terrible episode. They made a joke out of the entire first season by vanquishing one of the most powerful characters in the DC universe with some hokey cliches over the span of a few minutes. Lazy writing doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Their choice for Bruce Wayne is unfortunate. He was great in Game of Thrones but he’s no Batman. He’d make a great Alfred.

If this continues, there won’t be a season 3.

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I don’t know why the creative team behind Titans decided to leave the Trigon story arc unfinished. This episode felt like the season 1 finale.

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The leftovers from last season with Trigon was very messy handled, but the last third of the episode sets up a very promising season 2.

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First half, not so great. Second half, glorious! I can’t wait to see what the upcoming episodes has to offer! :grin:

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This should have been the season 1 finale lol

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Rachel: with great power comes new haircut.

A somewhat frustrating start to a new season. A bit dragged out during the second half, but I did enjoy the more action oriented first half of the episode and to see Beast Boy turning into something other than a tiger (hooray!). It did feel like it was still part of the previous season, though, like people are pointing out.

I already knew about the actor they casted for Bruce Wayne — and I feel it's a welcome addition —, so it was nice to finally see him being introduced to the show.

Too bad Trigon didn't live up to the all the hype the show took a whole season to create for him, so let's see if Deadshot can make up for that.

Also, where's Superboy and Krypto?

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I thought this was going to be better. It would have worked better as season finale, than season premiere. I only hope it gets better, and not to end watching something like the arrowverse shows. I really fucking hated not seeing the T shaped building at the end.

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I don't remember when in the season 1 they started to call themselves Titans. did it was in the warehouse scene when they show their powers to each other?

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I was totally bored by this episode. Not a big fan of those alien-evil-want-to-rule-the-universe-uber-beings in the first place. He looked awful, like from early 2000 in terms of the CGI. Should have been done for real with an actor in a costume. But since he only got minutes of screentime anyway it probably wasn't feasible. Writing is weak. It is absolutely incomprehensible that everyone would choose the dark way. Plus, they used a whole episode for Dick on that and mere minutes for the others.
In hindsight the first season now looks like a waste of time.

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Episode was a mess. All over the place with little purpose. The actress playing Rachel has somehow got worse, beyond stale.

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Oh great, more mind-fuck episodes. Why do none of them realise something is off? Why do they all just suddenly lose all sense of logic and reasoning? That is so unconvincing the episode gets boring from the lack of sense. Action, it has. But it’s founded on nothing.

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Even the writers and producers understood how garbage level was season 1. First thing was remove Trigon from the picture, start a new plot line and re-write characters.
Of course I find season 2 more appealing in every front but I feel like I miss a entire season (Dick gets the worst treatment out of all). It would've been better to remake the entire thing.

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Yea it’s back. But this episode shouldn’t be considered episode 1 of season 2. It’s more of an ending to season 1 episode. Very strange why they would do it this way. But it was a good episode. Well worth the watch.

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For everyone who complained episode 11 had nothing with the story,this is it.Intense and edge of seat episode with outstanding story.Only thing that wasn't upto the mark is the VFX.It looks old style

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I thought Superboy would have been used in the fight against Trigon. Why keep Superboy for mere Deathstroke?

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Shout by Luke Eros

first of all, this should've been an ending of season 1 , not premiere of season 2. and second of all, why the hell Bruce Wayne is so old? this definitely isn't a right choice of actor for this role, he seems like he can barely walk, let alone be Batman. I literally thought he was Alfred when he came outside to meet Dick.

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I have to agree with some of the other post. Should have been the last episode of Season 1. Overall a good episode. :thumbsup:

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A poor start to the second season. Was hoping for a better show.

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If you haven't watched this yet you'll probably enjoy it more if you approach it as S1 E12. Maybe even think of it as part 2 to S1 E11.

It feels like this should have been the last episode of season 1 not the first episode of season 2. Because of how season 1 ended it felt like this season would be focused on taking down Trigon and it would be an ongoing issue. Instead we got him dealt with rather quickly and easily. Maybe this wouldn't have felt as anti-climactic as the end of season 1, but as the start of season 2... To top it all off the goodbyes, meeting with Bruce, and setting up shop in a new city all felt like end of season wrap up.

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