I'm glad they took their time for the reconciliation between the brothers and I'm glad it didn't disappoint.

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A season highlight. Heavy stuff but I love how they dealt with it. You can't give it a quick resolution.

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There’s really not another show in existence that taps into my emotions every single week like this one does!!

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(I know I'm almost a year late but oh well)

A good episode that still managed to get a handful of tears out of me as only this is us does.
I liked how the whole episode was centered on "the talk" and how it progressed, from no understanding at all to Randall expressing his struggles and Kevin coming clean and somewhat owning up to his part of the blame, however I wished they both had gone much much much deeper, especially after that big fight and the hurtful things that were said... It didn't feel like 40 years of envy, guilt, resentment, microaggressions, lack of understanding, etc were conveyed in this mini confrontation,

I hope they come back to this topic beacuse there's still a lot to unpack, they only scratched the surface here.

The race topic is very relevant,
From an European point of view.

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Shout by patoo
BlockedParent2021-04-14T05:02:15Z— updated 2021-04-15T06:00:24Z

I resent how the writers waited until the last 150 seconds of the episode to provide a resolution to what was billed as the ultimate confrontation between Randall and Kevin.

The entire confrontation between Kevin and Randall lacked the depth and substance the show runners had hyped it to be.

It’s not so much that I wanted them to mend their relationship in the first 10 minutes. My disappointment is more that I felt the first 57.5 minutes of the show was just meaningless filler. Only the last 2.5 minutes had anything with meaningful substance, in my opinion.

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Many viewers of this show live in the rest of world (not just America), and I think this episode demonstrated a stunning lack of self-awareness by the writers to think that the whole world needs to be lectured on the racial issues that the US has never quite managed to deal with. Thanks for the lecture I didn’t need or want.

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Back to its best. Hasn’t been this good since season 1.

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Randall getting something out of it was nice but I can't help noticing all the missed opportunities. For instance, the "Fresh Prince" thing was a good reference but it's still closer to more overt manifestations (like the prom date's father) than, say, making a throwaway comment about his hair, which would have much the same effect.

Kevin's acceptance of what Randall was telling him didn't feel very earned either. I can appreciate that the flashbacks manage to convey that to the audience (and that's always the main goal) but it feels like the character just went from "I'm sorry IF I hurt you" to "I'm sorry that I hurt you", moving in the right direction but still not fully understanding it. Maybe that would be a big ask but they propped this up as something much bigger than we got.

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On a side note, I kinda needed a whole episode based on those last 30 seconds.

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From an European point of view, talking about race every two seconds is too much. This season is disappointing to non-American viewers by dwelling too much on issues that are not relevant to this extent here. Therefore I cannot relate and cannot appreciate what was before this a relevant show.
That’s too bad

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Shout by Evelyn

I think every one have these kinds of "what ifs" in their lives, so we all can relate to Randall, even regardless of the race issue.
Even though, adoption is a highly definitive occurrence.
For instance, my parents and moved to another country when I was 4 and for a long while my "ghost kingdom" was what if I grew up THERE rather than HERE.
As older people, we sometimes think about whatifs about partners (if we chose with one or the other), or workplace decisions.
Of course, it's not as impactful as the roles of our parents when we're young, so I think this was shown beautifully.
The episode was deep, although I felt we still have some missing spots about Kevin (I don't remember ever mentions that he paints, for example).
I feel that the series was more heavily focused on Randall and hope more of Kevin towards the end.

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Shout by H

Best episode of the season :heart:

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This was such a good episode

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