A lot of Mulder and scully romance. The whole conspiracy is finally explained.

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This ending reminds me of seinfield finale...

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The episode hasn’t even begun and already I’m dreading it, as the title indicates that it’s going to be a multi-part mythos episode… the worst of the worst. Why do I hate myself?

Not only wasn’t I wrong, but it was movie length. If karma was real, I might think I’d done something wrong in a past life.

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Man! I've never loved a character's return as much as Mulder's.

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I can't believe they used a courtroom setting to review the events of the entire series. It was dull.

This is a curtain call for practically every character in the show, even to the point that Mulder sees characters from many seasons ago as apparitions or something. It's pretty dumb. There was no reason to do that.

Secondary Character in this episode: Anyone and Everyone

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