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The X-Files: Season 8

8x19 Alone

This episode was really a good one, I like the ending of it very much. Mulder and Scully are the perfect partners :)

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Well that partner didn't last long lol. Mulder and his sunflower seed addiction is back in this episode. This was a really good monster of the week episode.

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I'll actually miss Doggett in the new season. He didn't kill the X-Files. Duchovny did by leaving the show due to money issues.
This episode proved that the show still had it when the stories were good.

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Shout by SinanOnline

Pretty good episode and although it's not related to the plot, I loved the ending scene with Mulder and Scully arguing over if it was a UFO in the first film or not. Hehe

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What the actual f—-? This may be the worst episode yet - and that’s a tall order. The writing ranks among the worst. Scully’s departure? The new character’s non-introduction and the abysmal writing that makes her a gee golly walking exposition factory? This episode feels like a completely different rookie bad show. Even some of the music cues are off.

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Doggett and a plucky new partner investigate a strange killing by a reptile. It's a scientist who's turned himself into a salamander man. It's silly but entertaining.

Secondary characters in this episode: none

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This filler episode was worth suffering through for the ending alone.

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aw man, just when I thought it was gonna be a pair of co-ed agents there, Mulder/Skully + Doggett/Harrison, it didn't last. I'll be referring to this episode later on if there are any indication in the new miniseries. haha and oh yeah, Mulder and his Spitz sunflower seeds and Nokia phones make appearance in this one

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