Should have seen the twist coming but didn’t. Good on you, X-Files.

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snake.. Snake!.. SNAAAAAAKEEEEE!
Here's a drinking game: Take a drink every time someone says the word, "Righteous"

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Yet another hackneyed religious episode, this one featuring the devil itself. It's embarrassing. Had this show set itself up better and more open, like the primary one it copied (The Night Stalker), it wouldn't be an issue - but it didn't. This is not the same show that premiered so long ago... secondary, in large part, to the blatant disregard (and disrespect) for the characters and rules it established.

This is a fun episode. It has a great guest actor and keeps the viewer guessing, playing on stereotypes and expectations. While matters aren't explained, it even has an ending of sorts, which is a welcome rarity for this series. The episode just doesn't belong in this series (like many others).

As I pointed out much earlier in this series revisit, the show now holds host to so many contradictory beliefs, the universe should have unraveled many times over. Good thing there's almost no history or consistency with the show. B. A. D. That typed, I enjoy these individual episodes so much more than anything having to do with the broken, awful, directionless, and unimaginative greased trope treadmill others term "the mythos".

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