the idea of Mulder having a soul mate that is not Scully just pisses me off.

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I liked the cult aspect, but an episode full of multiple personalities and past lives, two of my least favorite tropes, plus awful poetry on the intro and outro, make this one of the weakest episodes of the first four seasons. They went for a emotional angle in this one and the story was far too flimsy to carry it.

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This is an uncharacteristically boring episode of The X-Files and, to make matters worse, relies on Duchovny to carry the viewer's interest when his acting skills are not up to the challenge - Mulder's regression scene notably suffers because of this and is compounded by poor dialogue. The only redeeming factor is main guest star Kristen Cloke, who gives a memorable performance.

Thankfully it's a blip in an otherwise excellent season.

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Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-08-05T03:42:30Z— updated 2023-03-29T17:53:13Z

Mulder is somehow psychically linked to a wife of a religious cult leader. He seems to have been a lover of hers during their past lives during the civil war and other moments in time. I didn't like this much because there is too much extended dialoging and long takes of Mulder and the woman recalling past lives under hypnosis. The Jonestown-like conclusion made this a horrible thing to watch.

Secondary characters in this episode: None

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"My soul's tired..."

Another episode based on a photocopy of a bad adult fable. It also shows a blatant disregard for science, specifically mental wellness. It's embarrassing. Oh, past lives. Destiny. This is a collection of bad tropes. Why have the show makers not learned the lesson about allowing Duchovny to "act"? Can the camera get any closer? Unless her scenes were filmed separately, Anderson should've won an award for keeping a straight face. Somewhere in Time this ain't.

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Damb.. That's gotta be the saddest episode of em all

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