What an amazing episode. That was great

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The old man did what he did and gave his own life in order to capture the other psychic, otherwise the other psychic probably would have kept getting away and killing people, because he was pyschic. The old man was just better, and planned better. Maybe he knew all along this would happen, and that's why he didn't take things seriously.

It's quite clever, really.

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Very funny and bittersweet at the end. Co-stars Peter Boyle as Clyde Bruckman. Once Scully takes to liking him, their relationship is funny and tender. This episode is greatness and is Darin Morgan's second episode for the show.

Secondary Characters in this episode: None

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You only need know two words about this episode: Peter Boyle. His performance elevates it, aided by some of the series nicer writing (although I've a feeling some of his lines may have been his own). One of my favorite episodes to date. I loved and felt for the character of Clyde Bruckman. The ending, coupled with Clyde's life, made me sad. I wish he could've changed his own future. Peter Boyle won a well-deserved Emmy award for this role.

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It's got Peter Boyle (RIP) in it. There's nothing else to add.

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The psychic sideshow wasn’t for me. The truth might be out there, though not in a sidekick.

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