hes so bad at crying.

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Mulder's family being attacked AGAIN, his mother in hospital AGAIN. Can Chris Carter think of nothing else but attacking and twisting the family of our duo?

Alien healer just shows up in time for Mulder's mother to be in hospital and for Mulder to need him. Contrived.

Mulder's mother retconned to be more involved in the company and smoking man than what she was, and that they may have had a thing.


Why did she write palm instead of lamp. Why. Why. Why. Why. Why. Why. No. No. No. No. No. Stop writing please.

Alien bounty hunter convieniently shows up with their automatic tracking again.


The whole episode is more convolution of the alien storyline.

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Who's warming themselves by the fire in the vacant house from Fox's past? Oopsie. Lamp... Really? SMH.

While it's been a long time since I first watched this show, it seems that my 10k take that the "mythos" episodes sunk the series may hold true. The independent episodes have fared better and, if memory serves me well, the show becomes increasingly worse over time. I just don't know when the teeter-totter tips.

An unfortunate reveal adds to the silliness. Yet again, more questions are posed instead of clearing anything up. Does anyone care at this point?

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Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2019-07-22T11:33:48Z— updated 2022-01-23T14:52:00Z

Frustrating in that it really doesn't bring answers just adds more confusing questions. Mulder's Mom suffers a stroke. Mulder finds a weapon to kill aliens in the back of the neck with. X answers nothing but he and the Cigarette-Smoking Man are not partners. This features Roy Thinnes, former star of "The Invaders" as shape-shifting alien Jeremiah Smith. This is suspenseful but now there's colonization by alien or alien/human hybrid shape-shifters? There are also "good" shape-shifters and "bad" shape-shifters? Black oil aliens? The CSM and the Syndicate are assisting said aliens so they have a seat at the colonization power table? The mythology is already a mess. I say bring on the monster-of-the-week episodes!

Secondary characters in this episode: Jeremiah Smith, Bounty Hunter, CSM, Mulder's mom, X

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