Why is Skully so dumb in this episode? It's like she wants to die. She killed that scientist dude.

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The most frightening thing about this episode is that not only is it plausible, but comparable things have, and possibly are, happening - with both wealthy companies and/or governments behind them.

There's no cringe in this episode, which is a plus, but it again suffers from poor lazy writing. I hate it when writing is unintentionally bad and when writers break their own rules. This episode does both. The character of agent Scully behaves as if she done gone and bonked her head. This is as bad or worse than the scientist in Alien: Prometheus... or all of the scientists in Covenant. There are so many ways that the plot could've been moved forward that aren't stupid. Why did the production choose dumb and bad? This scene, along with several others, bring down an otherwise decent episode. They also missed opportunities for smart commentary that could have tied into the conspiracy mythos and grounded it.

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Gross. I’m never going outside again

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Very gross story about contagion that is spread by bugs that cause pustules which burst like a zit and infect the person hit by the popping larvae. The reason this is part of the story arc is because the CSM is involved and I believe that the bugs were an early attempt to test how to kill off the populace to make way for alien takeover or alien/human cloning and colonization.

Secondary Characters in this episode: Cigarette Smoking-Man

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