I'm so over these Chris Carter episodes. Very poorly written - clunky dialogue and way too many bland voice overs. And that car chase scene was awfully shot. I've never seen so many close ups on stepping on the gas pedal before. We even had a double tap once.
Carter should stop writing and directing. Just like last season, I fear his episodes will be the weakest ones.

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Wow... that was some of the worst TV I’ve ever seen. So corny and cheesy.

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A great comeback with a darker tone, much better than last season's premiere, I hope the whole season keeps up with this and less filler episodes, I BEG!!!

The whole twist with Mulder not being Scully's son father was obvious, from the moment she was abducted we knew she was being submitted to such tests and that was made clear. for me, that was clear. the twist is only on that Cancerman is the father, which is pretty disturbing considering Mulder is also his son. I wish Chris Carter would call it what it is: a rape, instead of cherry-picking words to justify Cancerman actions, but this is sadly predictable considering Carter as whole

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After two years of awaiting the conclusion of the cliffhanger first they gave us a variation of the Dallas-Dream-Sequence and than the revelation the cancer candidate is the father of William, and by essentially raping Dana no less. Carter seems to have no idea what he is aiming at. I was so looking forward to this season but I am on the verge of getting out.

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It's 2018 now so I would hope that Chris Carter would finally relinquish the iron grip he has over this series and let the other classic writers (Darin & Glen Morgan, etc.) take control of the series premieres/finales that quite literally set the main plot for the entire season... however, this isn't the case! Carter basically redacts the entirety of s10 and provides us with another one of his largely insensitive and unwanted episodes (ex: Babylon) with the truly terrible (both writing wise and in general) plot twist regarding William at the episode's end. Additionally, whose idea was it to separate Mulder and Scully for essentially the whole episode, and have David Duchovny provide us all with a Harrison Ford a-la theatrical cut of Blade Runner voiceover that no one asked for? While I am largely looking forward to the rest of the season due to the different writers and less mythology-centered episodes, I really don't think Carter can tie this season together in a successful way.

Also, can the CSM please die already?

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The X-Files: 2 Fast & 2 Furious 2 Believe

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Wow this was a confusing mess of an episode. Cmon X-Files' writers, you can do better.

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This was inexorably terrible. Like, you don't really expect that television can be too bad nowadays. There are plenty of high benchmarks. Everyone's talking about the TV renaissance, spearheaded by HBO and consolidated by others like AMC and Netflix. Then this garbage comes along and knocks you for six by being an utter dumpster fire in every conceivable way. On a plot level, it was needless. It walks back the season finale of last season and then establishes no new ground. Scully moves from point A to point B then back to point A. Mulder drives from point A to point C and then back to point A. Even Skinner's 'betrayal' is revealed to be a whole lot of nothing. Dialogue is terrible. Production values are terrible. Like another commenter pointed out, there's this of abundance of sharp zooms during dialogue that's almost dizzying. Not slow, typical zooming or dollying but rather the types of abrupt zooms that might punctuate generically dramatic dialogue (imagine if 300 had "THIS. [zoom] IS. [zoom] SPARTA! [zoom]"). Mulder's voiceovers make Harrison Ford's original Blade Runner VO seem like a Shakespearean soliloquy. I'm done with this reboot. It's a stain on the franchise.

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Sadly, I think this confirms that I am finally over The X-Files. I never thought this day would come.

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After this episode, I felt like someone spit in my face!
I gave up on watching this ..it season.

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@ Chris Carter stop trying to make this weird Scully/Smoking Man thing happen. It is just disgusting and absolute nonsense retconning.
And what is with with this lazy backtracking of the mytharc plot. Season 10 opened with Mulder's epiphany that every alien interaction was really just the government using alien technology and now the entire finale of season 10 is inconsequential because it never actually happened.
I don't know what this show is doing anymore, but some progression (hey, maybe even a resolution!) would be nice.

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What an awful piece of shit! Did they forget the ending of the previous season. WTF!

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Tried to watch this twice now and fell asleep both times. Total crap!

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Shout by sp1ti

Dear god, dynamic camera movement is fine and all but this had a ridiculous amount of ZOOOOOOM-INS. Couldn't take this serious at all... Probably hard to top this as the ugliest shot and edited episode of 2018.

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Shout by Deleted

Yeah, this....this was not good. No tension or excitement, no fun. The only interesting bit was that Smoking Man is Williams dad... But was Scully trusting of CSM at that point? I think not. I really am so over this shows mythology seeing as it was extra over convoluted back in the original run. But, that's what happens when a show overstays its welcome coughLOSTcough. Monster-of-the-week only, please.

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Shout by Deleted

This episode was truly god-awful. The whole episode was like a spot for an action movie. (Unintentionally) lame dialog and (unintentionally) cheesy narration. Really sad.

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This one has such an insane amount of exposition and info-dumping that it makes me wonder if the team behind it is even remotely familiar with the old "Show, don't tell" adage. Add in a lot of seriously clunky dialogue and you're left with a disappointing season premiere that couldn't even be saved by an interesting reveal at the end.

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We actually got some more information about about both CSM and William, which was nice. I was beginning to fear that we would ever get any more information on CSM's history. I am hoping that we don't have to wait until the season finale (perhaps My Struggle IV?) to see any direct continuation of this episode.

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⊗ At the end of last season's cliffhanger, I asked for a My Struggle III (or a 3rd movie). Two years later, they really gave us a My Struggle III, and there literally was some physical struggling.. Good save, Mulder, good save!

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What a garbage arc My Struggle was. The only thing good about this episode is that it ends it.

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I still want to beleive again and again and ...

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Shout by Ana

So it turns out that the Smoking man is William's father... Well, that's just disturbing and it kind of ruins the show for me... It was weak season premiere, I was expecting more...

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Scully (this episode SHE'S in the hospital), is having visions of Mulder being near death. So in the next episode of the mythology, I'm sure Mulder will be in the hospital and near death. It must be in their contracts that they get to lay in a bed every other episode.

The direction here is frustrating with all of the flashbacks and quick cuts. The story arc is such a disaster. All I want out of the rest of Season 11 are monster-of-the-week episodes. Watching this show has become excruciating most of the time, largely since Season 7. I've invested so much time watching this show, though. There's no way I can just quit now.

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I believe.... that the alien took scully back in time. She time traveled somehow

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DId they really just do a vision dream on us? Honestly that episode was terrible.

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Wow how the mighty x files has fallen. My favourite tv show is now this poorly written nonsense. What a shame

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What have smoked the writers, the smoker, the others, Mulder Skully, things out of the blue . Uffff why is the last season or I quit

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This episode hurt more than the surgery I had last week

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Well the car chase was weird... So Mulder got that sy chases him in a mass traffic, but the other one didn't get it on an empty road. Wtf... :D BTW the show is cool, but there are so many cliches.... :-/

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Erasing the final ep of the last season...

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Ok I'm officially give up this shit

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I thought Mulder found out the Cigarette Smoking Man was alive in My Struggle 2 ? Now Scully has to convince Mulder, he's alive ? Am confused lol. The twist in the end won't satisfy long time fans either.
Hopefully the skips the main story in a few episodes. The best last season, was where a acreature becomes human

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Last season finale was a dream? Lol

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Last season finale was a dream? Lol

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