Good old Skinner knows how to the play the game.

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Who rated the show when it has not been broadcast.

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After an entertaining yet silly first episode comes the second episode. This is classic X-Files I came to love. But of course, many of my favorite episodes has always been the MOTW episodes than the alien mytharc ones.

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i'm old school, mulder.
pre google
- scully


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I was like, oh men, i'm watching x-men! very good episode

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So much better than the premiere. This episode was great. The plot of this one could have been plucked from when the original series was ongoing and you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference. If this is what the rest of season holds, I'm more excited than I was before Sunday's premiere.

Also, the actress playing Sister Mary looked very familiar so I looked it up. Turns out that is Christine Willes, who if you recall, played Karen Kosseff in the original series. She was, from what I gathered, a psychologist hired by the FBI to assist agents - and Scully talks to her in more than a couple episodes.

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Shout by LBJ

Also don't forget about Kacey Rohl who played as Agnes is re-united with Gillian Anderson in this episode. She previously played Abigail Hobbs in Hannibal (2013) where Gillian also acted in as Dr. Bedelia. Great episode btw 8/10!

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Shout by Deleted

  • Podría pasarte a ti... Es peligroso.
  • ¿Nos ha detenido eso alguna vez?
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Bedelia Du Maurier and Abigail Hobbs back in the same show omg

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Written and Directed by Glen Morgan

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Shout by Ward

How and why are the x files reopened? Not explained. Why are Mulder and Scully working on them? Not explained. They're weren't even FBI, but now suddenly they are. And i thought they moved on? Nevermind. Still, it's nice to see them investigating x files again.

Did they retcon William? It seems like Mulder and Scully got him back from that family they gave him and then he was abducted by aliens later? That's quite interesting. I don't like William being taken away from them AGAIN, but it is interesting, and the scenes with William in the episode are nice. If it's all just dream sequences then, okay.

Other than that, i think it's a standard kind of episode. The plot isn't particularly interesting, and i didn't care for the resolution, but it was nice seeing Mulder and Scully do investigative work again.

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Genetic experiments on children cause the second coming of the Wonder Twins to murder. Overall, this is pretty gross and not a standout episode by any stretch.

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Welcome back! You two! Skinner

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This is X-Files or X-Men

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We resume the cases, they keep it up

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Shout by Deleted

Las nuevas especies comienzan con una mutación. Una criatura con la combinación de ADN correcta puede ser el inicio.

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Nice to see it touch up on some flashback happenings of William growing up, mother+father+son time.. ‪#‎TheXFiles‬ ‪#‎NASA‬

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