So, the Liandrin taking Elaida's spot thing is looking ever more likely

As much as I appreciate the way they've moulded the plotlines into something that actually works as an 8 episode series (for 8 seasons? I believe was the original pitch), it's starting to awkwardly occupy a space between faithful and almost complete abandonment. It's the awkward line the original Percy Jackson film trod and suffered for. However, like that film, I enjoy it for what it is, even if isn't the Percy Jackson story. (Which, hopefully, they'll set right this December, of course!)

The problem for this is, it'll need at least a decade's breathing room to try again. However, it's still enjoyable for what it is.

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Amazing episode. My favorite one of the season so far

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Endless scenes of dialogue, the characters just talkin and talking about nothing interesting. This whole season barely contains a coherent story, all the main characters each in their own unmemorable place. Talking about their feels with minor characters, and then talking some more. This is soap opera more than anything else.

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Most of this episode was quite boring.

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The momentum continues, and now I'm waiting for ir to pick up further.

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Oh wow, this show is making a big step up at the moment. Last two episodes were great.

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