The fifa logo for the banner :skull::skull:

UPDATE 3/18 6:50 PM EST: they finally updated it :joy:

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An incredibly boring snooze-fest. Yawn!

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The Walking Dead just raised from the dead and it's walking again

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This is Danai’s best-acted performance for sure

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If only they took the love story out of this, it could have been a good show.

By far the worst episode so far. I could have gone a whole lifetime without seeing these two get physical.

This episode was BORING! It felt like a cheesy soap opera no one asked for.

I skipped over the three minutes of Rick crying like a littler girl.

When we said we wanted Rick back, who the hell said anything about Michonne! If any woman ever had a man face, its this woman. I cringe every time they make out.

UGHHHHH I can't stand Michonne. Dead City is the only watchable spinoff.

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A good dialogue-heavy episode building up to the final two episodes. Great chemistry between Danai Gurira and Andrew Lincoln as always.

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one of the best episodes i've seen in a while (and maybe ever). left me absolutely speechless

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This episode wasn't bad but considering there are only 2 episodes left, Having 2 characters speak to each other for a full episode is kind of waste for me. Plus writers are always annoying me with small details :grin::grin: you don't have s** in a building about to collapse man :nerd:

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excruciatingly corny and unnecessary filler episode.

somehow the romance is the least believable component of this miniseries.

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Dumbest, most boring and poorly written epsoide ever. I had to fast forward though half of it. Painful!

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Sorry Danai, I saw the dialogue scenes in x3 speed

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First good episode. I mean, they made me miss Carl?!

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I know this show gets great reviews...but I don't get it. Rick's a pain in the ass, this episode is slow as hell and who needs convincing to go back to two of your own children? Why did Michonne leave an 8-year old in the first place?? Maternal instict precedes a love interest in real life...I don't even see any chemistry between them

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Michonne's position is super weak. Even if there's only a small chance of their family being killed, why is she willing to take the risk? She even saw them gas her friends, for zero reason.

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I pressed FF through most of it. :thumbsdown:Overall. I am disappointed with the show.

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she decided to him about go home and he will finally back as well as soon

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For the whole episode I've been just waiting for them to decide to go home.

And Rick Grimes is finally back :)

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So much of this would have been avoided if Rick just told her immediately "they know where we lived and will kill everyone", but no. It's going to be one of those "nobody tells each other critical information" shows, isn't it? Like with the "Echelon briefing" where every other word out of that south african girl is now "it changed everything, wow, what I heard at the briefing..." ugh. My least favorite story trope.

Are the people form Lost writing this? Will this be Lost all over again, with writers just making up tensions where there really is none except because nobody trade information? 50 mysteries with no planned outcome, left for future writers to try to solve?

Oh, and I totally forgot how annoying emo Rick could be.

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