Such a sad episode, but a wonderful way to say goodbye to Elena, I loved the way they let all her friends say goodbye to her. I feel for Alaric poor guy has lost everything again his 3rd love gone. Do hope they will give him a happier season next year. Looking forward to next season and to see what they will do without Elena cause she was one of the main players, not really sad to see her go she was getting annoying at some point throughout the seasons. Loved it that Jeremy was back in it even if only for a little while.

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That was a tad depressing. I enjoyed it though. Wondering how it will be without Elena. She was awesome in my opinion.

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I cried when Damon came back to save Bonnie.. I thought he was gonna let her die

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Those goodbyes were a nice touch and it probably would have felt underwhelming without them, but the way they did it wasn't that great - if Elena can communicate telepathically why wouldn't everyone just come visit her and have visions with her? Yeah sure, she needs to be protected from vampires who want the cure, but do they really need to lock her in a tomb and never visit her for that? Surely they could just, for instance, put her in a human home that no vampire can enter? Or protect her in any other way? They could have at least written it so that there was only a certain window for her to communicate with everyone until she, idk, "fell more deeply into the sleep" or some other witchy woo-woo.

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What an underwhelming finale! Despite everything, I'm so going to miss psycho Kai. I can't say the same for Elena though. Btw, those 15 minutes of goodbye are unbearable and boring! I've never been less impressed with a TVD finale.

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Was the ending a look into the future?

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:'( it ended! omg cant take it :'(

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Kai is dead?! will miss Elena though I never really liked her character

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Shout by Sophiaso

Finally, Elena is gone, I can't wait to see what the writers come up with without her. I don't have the highest of hopes here, and what they did to Alaric seriously pissed me off. We need some release and happiness for the side characters too, you are not Game of Thrones, TVD.

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Eu te Amo Damon Salvatore!
Eu tambem te amo Elena.

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Shout by Emelia


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Soooooo boring. This finale buried the show -.-

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Tou tremendo até agora, com aquela tragédia no ínicio, apesar de triste adorei, que a Elena retorne futuramente num series finale, mas ainda quero que TVD viva mais umas 3/4 Temporadas e ai sim se encerre, nesse tempo venha novos bons personagéns, novos vilões, uma nova Katherine seria ótimo porque ela faz falta, ela morreu justamente quando eu mais gostava dela e Também Romance pros 3 Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie e Damon só de aventuras.

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