I know The Originals is a popular spinoff, and one I was definitely planning to watch - and this is somewhat of a hot take, but my god was this episode boring. The season broke momentum entirely to introduce us to boring characters and a boring setting and now I no longer intend to watch that spinoff.

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If you're intrested in watching The Originals and want to kinda follow the chronological order, or like remembering details (I started rewatching TVD from S3 because of this), you can start from here and intertwine them. Watch one episode of TVD and one of TO, or even watch a few of one before changing to the other.

Although I have to say that it's really not necessary, since they each follow their own stories and don't crossover in any major way, and it's mostly about mentions, at least for S1, so maybe it's more of a quirk hahaha.


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