All right, now Ray's reaction from last episode made more sense. It wasn't because of her powers, it was because he thought she's betrayed them all. That's "better".
Interesting to see more about the "crazy lady".

I loved the scene with Vanya and the water. So well done and beautifully executed. Thinking she might have been able to expel the water from his lungs easier than the way she did, just vibrate them out.

Yet the more I watch this the luckier I feel for not having lived in the 60s. Sheesh, what a messed up time. I mean it's messed up now, as well. Maybe it'll always be messed up in one way or another.

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Klaus' version of the Scorpion and the Frog was brilliant and so in his character.

That display of Vanya's powers was awesome! I'm so glad we're getting to see more of her character minus the childhood trauma this season. This family she's found herself a part of is really sweet. I just want things to work out for them all :(

Music was on point this episode! Great song choices. Absolute bangers

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BlockedParent2020-08-02T06:57:15Z— updated 2021-12-28T10:11:56Z

What a masterpiece!
This is one very good episode.

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In hopes of getting Reginald's attention — or at least to let him know he means no trouble — Five yells this, in Greek: “Ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ.”

Can you not understand, let alone read, Ancient Greek? Don’t worry! You’ve actually more than likely come across this passage before considering it’s the opening of Homer’s Odyssey. Chances are you just haven’t come across it in Greek. Five doesn’t say all of it to Reginald, but let’s go ahead and look at the full first passage of the epic tale (translated by Emily Wilson, the first woman to translate the epic poem):

“Tell me about a complicated man, muse, tell me how he wandered and was lost. When he had wrecked the holy town of Troy, and where he went, and who he met, the pain he suffered in the storms at sea, and how he worked to save his life and bring his men back home.”

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Loving the season so far. Some great new additions to the cast. Funny, entertaining, and the plot moves forward nicely. Love seeing the Hargreeves interact and resurfacing into each others lives. And I am so glad that The Handler is back too because she is a fun character to watch.
Oh, and the music.. on point as always.

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Fuck this guy. Seriously. Raymond can suck it. Allison saves him from literally getting beaten to death, and his reaction is to leave her in the dust, acting like she’s the enemy now? Na-ah. I hope she dumps his arse. There’s no way Luthor would have ever treated her like that:rolling_eyes:

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Kiss' 'I was made for loving you' is totally Diego's song :heart_eyes:

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On another note... LOVED the use of Kiss’ “I Was Made For Loving You” here.

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Shout by Ro

The traditional Paso Doble is based on the music played at bullfights during the bullfighter's entrance (paseo) or during the passes (faena) just before the kill. The leader of this dance plays the part of the matador. The follower generally plays the part of the matador's cape, but can also represent the shadow of the matador as well as the flamenco dancer in some figures. The follower never represents the bull, although it is commonly thought this way. Its origin dates back to a French military march with the name "Paso Redoble." This was a fast paced march, which is why this is a fast-paced Latin American dance modeled after the Spanish bullfight. Bullfighting was well known around this time.

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Do you know what number five says to his dad at the end of the episode?

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