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The Tunnel: Season 3

3x02 Episode 2

This episode is remarkable. It's like they fired the showrunner and writers after the first episode and replaced them with the cheapest freelance ones they could find on fiverr.

It starts with a cold open that's such a non sequitur you'll sit there dumbstruck wondering if you pressed a wrong button on your remote, maybe the channel button and you're now tuned into Tosh.0? That would make sense, or maybe you accidentally selected a teaser trailer from the DVD menu for the next season of Black Mirror? As you're sat there wondering how you brought this on your self the scene ends and the intro for The Tunnel starts playing... that was really part of the show.

Tone whiplash aside the cold open is only part of the problem. The rest of the episode relies on well worn and poorly executed tropes for the story lines, especially with Charlie's. Shame to see good actors wasted with a bad writing.

I had high hopes for the final season, it's not off to a good start.

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