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The Tatami Galaxy 2010

A brilliant anime with a very different art style and presentation. The story, as it were, is narrated to us by the nameless protagonist, as he agonises over how to pursue his "ideal campus life". Along the way he meets several other unusual characters, including his demonic-looking partner-in-crime Ozu and the mysterious Akashi, both of whom he seems to share a strange link with.

One complaint some people have with the series is that the narration from the protagonist is very fast and it's very difficult to read the subtitles in time. Whilst the dialogue is indeed quick, it is possible to keep up if you concentrate enough. Even if you find yourself needing to pause occasionally to digest a particularly verbose line, I would still absolutely recommend everyone give this series a go. Amongst a myriad of other, more "standard" anime, this one definitely stands out.

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Very different and amusing with a unique style to it.

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Shout by Deleted

(This review is to be read at 2x the speed you would normally read something)
A story about overambition, appreciating that which you take for granted, enjoying your youth while it lasts, the futility of lamenting lost opportunity, the importance of close friends, the dangers of arrogance, and the merit of self-confidence, all told in perhaps the most roundabout and confusing fucking way possible. Sometimes it feels like it's frustratingly running around in circles while the answer is right there from the beginning, but if that isn't university life in a nutshell I don't know what is.

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This is the type of show I should love: moody, self-reflective, and metaphorical. But something about the series never landed for me; repeating the arcs added little flavor or texture, and the conclusion verges on saccharine. I can clearly see what they wanted to do with the show, but for me it just didn't work.

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Really good, best art/music I've seen/heard in an anime. I understand why so many people liked this.

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