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The Sinner

Season 2

Terrible season. SO SLOW and forgettable. Super disappointing after an amazing first season.

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This was a pretty straightforward mystery. Instead of a "who-done-it?" it is a "how did this happen?". No outstanding performances, no earth shattering plot twists, just good acting (I'm a big fan of Carrie Coon) and solid story telling. I give this second season of the series a 7 (good) out of 10. [Mystery Drama]

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Absolutely amazing acting! Though I'm still in love with this concept of "why did it happened?" instead of "who did it?", the second season did the most cliche thing of not faring as well as the first. The mystery did unravel as well as the first season but it felt like every other story line over shone the kid's. Nevertheless, it's still not too bad and worth watching!

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This season has nothing to follow up from the first one with a totally different case for Detective Ambrose to follow up on. The show was good with a good story line dealing with cults and their believe. Acting was a good and final reveal was good too, but you would have guess it anyway. Good watch. 7/10

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Shout by Khawlah

An improvement from the first terrible season, thanks to a better and more likable cast, but the storytelling and the main detective are still not compelling enough. Also, that poor kid had 3 different women acting like mothers and none of them bothered to provide him with a chapstick. That's the true crime here.

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I've watched season 1 and season 2. I thought season 1 had the better story while season 2 might have actually been a little bit better if only because Carrie Coon had more to work with and is obviously a superior actor. It's a bit of an odd series in that they show you what happens right in the beginning and then actually work back from that. Bill Pullman does his best Bill Pullman in this series.

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This is the best season of all, muuuch better than season 3

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