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The Simpsons

Season 9

Season 9: 7,7/10

Top 3 Episodes:
9x01 The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
9x03 Lisa's Sax
9x19 Simpson Tide

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The Simpsons: Season 9 delivers yet another extraordinary season full of laughs as the show crosses the 200th episode milestone. The misadventures of the Simpsons get wackier than ever as they go to New York City to retrieve their car (“The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson”), join a religious cult (“The Joy of Sect”), pull off a Christmas scam (“Miracle on Evergreen Terrace”), lose their house to carnies (“Bart Carny”), and help Krusty reinvent his act for the ‘90s (“The Last Temptation of Krust”). Additionally, Homer joins the US Naval Reserve (“Simpson Tide”), Marge becomes a realtor (“Realty Bites”), Lisa finds an angel skeleton (“Lisa the Skeptic”), and Bart becomes a peewee football star (“Bart Star”). The featured guest stars include Martin Sheen, Joe Namath, Alex Trebek, Jay Leno, Helen Hunt, Steve Martin, and U2. However, the use of guest stars is a little lazy and some of the wacky antics don’t work. Still, Season 9 of The Simpsons is incredibly entertaining and a lot of fun.

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