A fun episode but nothing too crazy.

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5.6/10 on a post-classic Simpsons scare. There's a lot of overly long gags and over-explained gags here, and it really drags the episode down. There's pretty weak pacing and structure, as we blow through a drug testing storyline into a robot worker storyline into a robot attack storyline with thin connective tissue between everything. The only legitimately funny part of the episode was the robots' matter of fact responses to Homer's inquiries. And credit where it's due, it's a nice setup to have the plant workers all fired and replaced by robots and then have those same unemployed plant workers save the day by rescuing Burns and Homer from the robots. But other than some great work from Brent Spiner in appropriate turn as the voice of the robots, this one dragged all over the place, offered minimal laughs, and leaned into the cartoony lack of realism that messes with the tone of the show and not for the better. Eminently skippable.

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