Wow. What a ride this was. Didn’t expect any part of this ending and it’s really cool to be surprised sometimes.

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Such a perfect, heartbreaking finale

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Just watched the finale after a 2-month marathon with the show, such an enjoyment and excitement i had over the seven seasons.

Right from the start of the show, almost everyone thought that Vic would end up either killed or arrested at the end of the series, but to hold him into an office job that feels like a prison for Vic is a fucking unexpected outcome. Genius.

Poor Ronnie, the yes man, after planning to run, gets advised not to do it by Vic, then he gets caught while Vic gets full immunity. Unreal.

Shane fate was tough, but i would have loved to have Vic kill him last season when they had that confrontation for what he did to Lim.

A very satisfying finale.

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Just finished my second watch of the Shield, I went through it in about a month, still the fucking holy grail for me.

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