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The Rookie: Season 6

6x05 The Vow

Why are they flanderizing Lucy each episode more and more with her annoying, self-centeredness and neuroticism?
Why are they dragging out this Oscar sideplot? Just to keep that shady red haired lawyer in the show? No one cares about Oscar at this point. He was fun back then now he is overstaying his welcome in this show, even if he is only mentioned.
Why are they rushing the one thing that pretty much ruins every show with Nolan and Bailey suddenly getting baby fever? To give more screen time to our Superwoman character and one dimensional actress Dewan? She's by far the weakest character in this show. She needs less screen time, not more.
Why is Juarez stumbling through her job for the past several episodes without any actual repercussions?

Everything in this episode was just patched together to fill an episode, nothing more. Not even in a good way.

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Shout by Ross R Vincent
BlockedParent2024-04-09T00:42:05Z— updated 2024-04-11T22:15:26Z

And now we can add ANOTHER actor from "The Suicide Squad" to the list of guest stars on the show.

(I almost want them to have a series finale where James Gunn yells "CUT" and we learn that the whole show was a project of his, which he was making while waiting on the final take over of the DC entertainment franchise. Maybe have Fillion ask "So, when do I get to play Green Lantern?
Gunn: "....."
Fillion: "That a no... ok, how about Booster Gold?"
Gunn: "cast already...sorry"
Fillion: "Youre going to put me in make-up or CGI again, arent you..... "
Gunn: "How does OA grab you? I would say Clayface, but Alan beat you too it....")

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Shout by Jim222001

So a baby can hide in a closet all by herself because the mom hid her in the closet before she died ? Hid pretty well all by herself lol.

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Aaron needs to fuck that therapist #rn

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It was an okay episode. But honestly, don't Nolan and Bailey have jobs that they can just take care of a foster child without any planning?Honestly, I could do with less Bailey and baby-blues.

And please, turn Celina into a competent police officer quickly, otherwise it gets pretty ridiculous. Checking out all doors in a room is something even I'd know to do. The same goes for Thorsen... stop trying to pair him up with any skirt he comes across. It's getting ridiculous. And don't shove that lawyer at us at every moment. Either develop her more or just drop her.

And Tim's vendetta against that old army buddy who cost other buddies their lives... I hope he'll just catch that guy in some kind of criminal activity and fesses up - and not take matters into his own hands. And Lucy's getting ever more annoying. (And yes, she spent 36 hours worrying - what a pity we saw her teasing Aaron half that time...)

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Everything in this episode was easily predictable.

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Officer Thorsen can't seem to stay out of trouble.

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