I really wish they'd stop these cross overs, it's wrecking a good show.

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I hate these crossovers I don't even watch feds

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As brief as it was, is it just me or did Niecy Nash come off as extra-"I don't care"?
Her lines are written by others, sure, but it felt very out of character, painfully unfunny and even mean spirited in delivery.
More so than usual with her in these crossovers. Might it be that these episodes are filmed relatively close to their airdate? Might she know already that Feds isn't going to be renewed and isn't even trying anymore? But perhaps I am reading too much into her terrible acting.
Other than that a very cramped episode and Lucy's undercover stories are always so rushed, it's kinda hilarious.

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I have to admit I have an issue with the portrayal of undercover operations here. I mean, Lucy is supposed to be proficient in uc, then she asks Tim how to proceed? Tim who's always in her ear? What kind of light-weight uc-operation is this? And does the ending mean, the season finale will be a crossover? Please no...

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Angela never stops being a badass.

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  • Lucy has been in multiple documentaries of which 1 was a celebrity ex convict turning cop... How are they still pushing this UC shit.
  • Gathering evidence through a dance off... I feel like my intelligence is being insulted.
  • Another garbage cross over... This Niecy btch (character not actress) is aweful... Does anyone legitimate like her role?
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Ah yes, Lucy, the perfect undercover officer... who's been at least 2 documentaries about being a police officer.

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This episode was a mess. Body parts showing up everywhere. Dance offs. Lucy undercover. Again. Lame.

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Lucy undercover well, I'll pass on the rookie feds.

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