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The Rookie: Season 1

1x01 Pilot

A good Nathan Fillion delivery vehicle.

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Just watched the pilot episode and I think it's going to be a winner (full disclosure, I'm rather partial to Nathan Fillion). Great ensemble cast. Good storytelling. Interesting interpersonal dynamics. I'm giving this pilot an 8 (great) out of 10, with anticipation it is only going to get better. [Cop drama]

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was not expecting much but it really is nice pilot :)

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Ok, I'm 10 minuets into a Series and I'm writing a comment on it, something I've never done before. I'm not a fan of Police Drama's
But when I saw Nathan Fillion was playing a rookie 'cop' I thought the concept has to be either Insane or Brilliant, actually It's both
It's Insanely Brilliant. I've been a fan of his since 2002 Firefly and especialy as Cayde-6 (voice) in Destiny
EDIT Just passed halfway through Season 1 after 24 hours binging and Lovin' It.

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Quite nice, I was expecting more of a Fillion-one-man-show but if was actually more choral. In just the pilot I'd say the whole main cast gets well characterized and is as multi dimensional as such a generic show gets.
Good ole Nathan sure is playing goofy on the physical aspect but his running is quite hilarious.
The only part I wasn't keen on was that romance thing. The characters weren't even introduced basically and the whole thing kinda ruins the "new blood" group, which showed an interesting dynamic at the pub. It could be a nice way seeing them grow and learn together, so I hope it doesn't get thrown away: wheter cause the romance goes on or cause they break it

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The pilot offers a great balance between humor and drama, creating a cop show that is more slice-of-life than procedural. I was pleasantly surprised, I was expecting something sillier, but I got into all the characters, and was entertained throughout. The character plots are a little cliche for now, but all have great potential. I think this can grow to be an excellent show!

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Terrible psychos all around. Didn't like it much.

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i LOVE Nathan Fillion, man sure knows how to captivate an audience - at least w/this audience of ONE he's got it covered ha ha

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Wow molto bella come serie tv

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Wow molto bella come serie tv

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Nice pilot! Better than I expected as I thought it would be goofier and I like how Nolan was committed and not being treated like a joke all the time

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At the moment, what I've seen I liked, that it has as actors Nathan Fillion and Melissa O'Neil help

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Pretty good series premiere. I'm impressed. I like how John can't do some things a younger rookie is capable of doing, physically, because he's older instead of magically being able to. But I'm a little surprised he was in the lead when running after the suspect at the end. I guess he's more in-shape in that regard than the younger officers.

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Only watched for Nathan ... other than that this pilot was very BAD!!!!!

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Shout by sp1ti

Mainly watched this for Fillion so my expectations were quite low and got exactly that. It will most likely end up in the pile of other procedural but it's hard to tell from this episode alone since they crammed in so much stuff (way too much tbh)...

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