Medicine is a business. Profit comes before patients. It being unethical or not doesn't matter to some people who only look at things from the financial perspective. That was the main notion that the episode conveyed, I think. I liked how the events unfolded.
"Be prepared to be understaffed for the next 12 months." That quote promises and paves the way for new upcoming and challenging times heading towards Conrad. The ending might just be the beginning of it.
Not bad at all

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Finally, we see some of the dirt behind the operation curtain of the healthcare system. It was nice to see that it did portray different viewpoints of the issue without getting onto some dogmatic political bandwagon.

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Shout by Angela Mens

Another good episode and it's sad that in this modern age you only get to have healthcare if you're a millionaire or close to it. It's sad that people are being billed for things they don't need, what's even more sad is that this is not fiction. Healthcare isn't about the patients anymore it's about money, your doctors can write your cheaper and better medicine but they won't since they have contracts and bonuses with the medicine fabricators

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