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The Peripheral: Season 1

1x01 Pilot

Interesting start. This has the potential to either be pretty good, or end up super disappointing/generic and lame - it depends on which aspects they choose to focus on from here on. The stuff Flynne is doing in VR is great; if we get more of that, it will be good. But the stuff with the gang in her town (led by Pickett) seems like dumb and generic crap. We'll see what happens, but I'm just happy to have a new sci-fi series that's doing something a little different.

Also: my current theory is that Flynne isn't actually going into a virtual world with that headset, but rather she's remotely piloting a robot body - hence why the hand was metal.

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Saw a trailer yesterday and immediately went for it. It started well, but I am a bit skeptical - let's see, so far so good!

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Holy cow, this was great! Sort of like a “real version” of Ready Player One. Interesting story, beautiful shots and intriguing.

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I'm calling it already: best sci-fi show of the year!

To be bluntly honest, I came for Chloë Grace Moretz (yes, simping hard on the lady), but stayed for the compelling characters, intriguing story, gaming concept (or, more accurately, "gaming" concept), super dope futuristic aesthetics, and a very eye-popping scene. And for Chloë Grace Moretz.

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Read the book some years ago. As far as I can remeber the show is near that. I liked it. Solid 8.
Read the book! Its a really good one from Gibson.

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1x01 - Pilot: 7.8/10_ (Impressive)

With a cast that included Chloë Grace Moretz and the promise of new material from the minds behind Westworld, I couldn't help but tune in. I'm glad I did, since “The Peripheral” gets off to a fantastic start, with a more-than-decent pilot that manages to live up to the hype. All the pieces are in place for this show to shine: a captivating premise, a stellar cast, and skilled creators. It's a refreshing departure from the typical formulaic Science Fiction, and it seems like it may go somewhere. Do yourself a favour and check it out if you haven't already.

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If they had cloaking tech, why kill the cop? It’s kind of pointless & wasn’t necessary.

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I really liked this. Introduction to a lot of great characters and a pretty awesome ending to the episode.

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A solid and entertaining start to another effort from Team Westworld in which we once again spend significant time in a world other than the "real" one. The production values and world-building and characters are all terrific, starting with an appealing brother-sister lead duo. I'm hooked already!

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I had little hopes for this but some comments below made me give it a shot and after the first episode I am intrigued. I think some parts are a bit generic and the writing is extremely cliché but there is promise and Chloë does pull off a good character. Not so sold on Jack Reynor yet.
I hope it doesn't turn into a generic show because I am really wanting a good Sci-Fi show to get into and this could be it. I would say a 6/10 but has promise.

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Really not as bad as I expected it to be! The CGI was really nice, characters and setting believable (though futuristic)... Everything... seems pretty good.

The eye scene though, man. The eye scene.

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Set several years in the future this sci fi has a somewhat unique story that can go all sorts of directions. This has got me intrigued so far. Interesting cast, interesting characters. So far the story is humming along quite well and I'm looking forward to following episodes.

This has my interest far more easily than another recent Amazon series of recent times. Worth checking it out.

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Oh initial watch this felt like a confusing mess. Not entirely a mess but mess-ish. Rewatching it. I think it's an EXCELLENT pilot episode. It definitely rewards both repeat watches and people who tend to obsess over world building. It's got the sort of consistency that most people complain about in TV. Where the narrative works at the start AND the end.

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Shout by wpafbo79
BlockedParent2023-06-14T06:53:14Z— updated 2023-06-18T07:50:17Z

Having not yet read the book, I am very impressed. Gonna rectify that shortly. The book reading, that is.

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A great start so far :) Exciting and mysterious!

I like the cinematography, the Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk-like scenes in the dark with (neon-like) lights, the CGI and designs, and London (especially with a motorcycle and electric Rolls Royce) <3

The characters are interesting so far and the acting looks good to me.

I'd be super worried when an unknown/experimental sim headset makes me feel sick and especially if I cannot end/disconnect on my own (that'd be a no-go but it obviously makes sense here).

Flynne is badass and smart :)

And what a cliffhanger at the end...
I cannot wait to watch the next episode!

PS: That "next on" part during the end credits seems like a bad idea... :o It seemed full of spoilers and I won't make the mistake of watching that part again! Not sure who thought that'd be a good idea... Teasers are fine but not a trailer of the next episode that is full of spoilers!

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@Jason Little - A grittier "Ready Player One", was my first impression too.

@Ryan Ragreynolds - I concur, but, due to Flynne's discombobulation after exiting, I have a feeling that, like "The Matrix", if you die in the simulation, that's a wrap IRL, and in addition, like the Sentinel's, the baddies can leak over into the "real" world, thus their vehicles being able to cloak. Just my supposition of course, but, we shall see.

@Kinky - Ditto! (minus the simping)

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Shout by Ro

Led Zeppelin - Kashmir:

I'm a traveler of both time and space

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now that was good tv! hope it keeps up because I won't lie that got my expectations way up

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Wow. Loved this first ep! Damn good. Very impressed. Not what I was expecting.

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Pretty good pilot episode. One thing I didn’t like though, the accents. On one side you have the hard to understand redneck accent & on the other it’s over the top British accent that’s been way overused these days.

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"Player One," but dark AF.

And, scary I knew the outro song in two strums of the guitar, hehe. Lyrics fit.

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Whoa, person of interest all over again. I'm here for it!!!

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Shout by jules

could’ve done without the eye stuff, but overall an interesting start.

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cor blimey! as a brit i cud do withaaat the orrible bri'ish accents, guv!
pretty good so far. at least they spared us the "little girl fighting bad guys" scenes by giving her a not-chris pratt avatar.

why did the bad guys cloak to lose the cop, stop to decloak and kill the cop, the leave and cloak again? hmm

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pretty interesting premise, love the actors lol, this $hits nuts haha

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