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The Patient 2022

Should have been a mini series. Never goes anywhere, really. It's a show where it's all about the way not the goal.
But that way became monotone and repetitious, you were able to fast forward many parts of the later episodes without losing any context or progress. It was dragging on for far too long around the middle. Cut this short to 4-5 episodes and it could have told the same story without much lost.
It does have an end that is being build up to where we all knew it would go even if we had a sliver of "hope" for Strauss still. But there's really no surprise either, even with the "growth" of the killer.
The Auschwitz parts felt out of place and were weird in the context they were used. It's too minimalistic, incredibly slow, too monotone, too predictable. Even with a great performance by Carell this was really not worth its time.

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i think if you liked the hannibal tv series you'll probably like this in terms of the killer mystery aspect. just wish it was hour long episodes.

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Absolutely jaw-dropping. I waited until all 10 episodes were available and watched them consecutively. Had I watched the show in weekly intervals I probably would have agreed with the majority of other viewers and lost interest. But I implore you to give it a chance. It’s quite unlike anything else. 10/10.

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Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2022-10-05T15:39:04Z— updated 2022-10-26T16:38:20Z

** Update **
Now that it's finished I have to change my view. It was a long drawn out crap show that was only good for the first 2 or 3 episodes and went to hell each episode thereafter. Shitty ending. Skip it!!!
3/10 One star for each of the first 3 episodes.

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No happy endings here. Life I guess. I cried so much in the end. Steve Carell was just amazing. And his character didn't deserve this ending...

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A terrific miniseries from the geniuses behind The Americans. The premise itself is pretty original and darkly humorous. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending but I think that's a good thing considering Joe Weisberg and Joel Fields did the same thing with The Americans, it wasn't what we expected and we should admire that. Steve Carrell deserves some awards recognition, he carries it even in the moments that aren't great (some bits felt like they were added just to keep it 10 parts when it probably could've been shorter). Domhall Gleeson is excellent, but his character got quite repulsive at times which made it difficult even to find his conclusion satisfying, but then again he's a murderer who doesn't realise he's selfish. Anyways, it's not perfect but Carrell turns in one amazing turn that I'm still thinking about and son of a bitch, that ending hurt me.

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It's an intriguing and risky proposition, and it draws an interesting parallel between Sam's relationship with his father and Dr. Strauss's frustrated relationship with his son, a kind of reverse therapy dealing with issues about the Jewish religion. With a development less convincing than it should, it adequately closes the story, but its continuation could bring it too close to a kind of "In treatment". The choice of the final theme by Leonard Cohen could not be more appropriate.

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Building nicely, not sure why they went with 30 min episodes this isn't a Big Bang Theory or Friends where it can all be resolved in one episode then on to the next.. constantly felt there just wasn't enough meat on the bone because of how short each episode was.

And also can't help seeing Robin Williams every time I look at the poster... even when I know its Carell.

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20m episodes... Why?

Anyway it's a good start, but will be painful to wait a week for a 20m episode...

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Frome the guy that wrote and produced the Americans, I hope it's good.

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The Patient is a psychological thriller that explores the relationship between a therapist (Steve Carell) and his captive patient (Domhnall Gleeson), who is a serial killer. The show is intriguing and intense, but also frustrating and repetitive. The performances of the two leads are excellent, but the plot does not offer much surprise or variation.

The show is more interested in the themes of empathy, guilt, and responsibility than in the suspense or action. The Patient is a show that will appeal to fans of character-driven dramas, but may disappoint those who expect more twists and thrills.

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Carell or Gleeson were on the screen 100% of the time and were phenomenal in acting out a unique premise. Could not wait until the next episodes. Felt disappointed and a bit unfulfilled by the ending, although throughout the series it seemed destined to get to exactly where it got.

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I think the show was beyond the position of being categorized merely “good” or “bad”. besides the progress of the therapist and his patinent -with superb acting elements- the show itself has something to do with audience, testing our ‘patience’ and talking to us in its own way. I think the show has much more to discuss and takes guts to rewatch it again.

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Beautifully done. Great acting by Domhnall , and by Carell. I really enjoyed his work here, especially because I enjoy his work in Office, 40 yo Virgin and Big Short.

I loved that I shared the feelings and hopes of the main character, even when knowing what's going to happen - exactly like the character did.

I dearly recommend this for any drama and performance lovers.

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Shout by Caleb014

Why does no one put up a fight. This little dude choking everyone out. SILLY

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Steve Carell and Domhnall Gleeson develop an interesting and at times dark relationship in The Patient, an engaging psychological thriller miniseries.

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Shout by MamaSaucy

Talk about killing your darlings.

The storytelling was good. The main characters were interesting. The pacing was a tad slow but watching all episodes together negated some of the lost of interest others had. The length of the episodes were perfect. I was equally intrigued by the therapist‘s past and the patients day to day life. He tries so hard to be a functioning member of society but isn’t and his mother enables him even at the end. I really wanted Alen to slash her but without he mother who would he try to be better for?

I wanted a happier ending but the ending we had was more reflective of real life. Things never seem to work out for the good guy.

One thing that left me confused was the significance of the scenes with the imprisoned Jewish men.

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Shout by lydia

the ending was not fair

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People complain for this tv show to have nothing, but a repetitious of same thing for 10 episodes. But this is the reality, there is no need to go to extreme of events. It's just a serial killer who is trying to find a way out. It was interesting to watch, so it was good for me. And as always, I love Steve Carell.

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It's definitely not the best thing I've watched but there is something about this short series that kept me interested. Steve Carell felt like an odd choice at first. I only know him from his comedic work and I can't help it but every time he shouts I either hear that iconic scene from the office 'No No!' or I hear Gru. Even so he managed to pull it off. He was believable in his character and maybe the tad bit of comedy did the character right. Domhnall Gleeson was very strong. He really had the tormented serial killer down.

Because the episodes are short it has a nice pace to it. There is interesting dialogue between the main characters: Sam and Allan and without much happening there is this eerie constant tension. What really brought it home for me was the ending. The fact that Allan doesn't make it, that Sam is still out there.. it somehow makes it more realistic. You hope Allan makes it but the harsh reality is that he was doomed the moment Sam took him hostage.

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The first few episodes were okay but the show just seemed to loose it's way the more it went on. Carell doe aa decent enough job but the short episodes (aside from a few later ones which I believe are slightly longer) didn't give enough time build any tension or character building. It didn't add anything new and the ending was predictable and just meh. There are so many shows that does this better, now that all the episodes are released I think some people will find it easier to binge back to back. But waiting for this weekly wasn't worth it unfortunately.

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Shout by Chris

Gawd, what a horrible shit show. I sat through 10 PAINFULLY slow episodes for that shitty ending?! That twisted fuck AND his mother should both be dead, not the doc. And, holy hell, the doc’s self-righteous loser son can go fuck himself.

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Idk, I kinda feel sad it didn't meet my expectations, And i wanted something better than that especially that i really like Steve carell acting, they had a good story but they wrote poorly unfortunately and there were a lot of ideas could be done, Tho still it's short series that you won't mind to watch like while you are eating or something.
hopes what next for steve will be more good for him

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I think this series could/should have been a movie spanning less than 2 hours. Episodes are painfully slow and the story not gripping enough. Performances are good, but for me, personally, the series doesn't live up to the high praise and reviews it has been getting.

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I have a question. I read the initial reviews and people were mostly frustrated by waiting a week between 30 min episodes. So, I've waited until now to start so I could binge it. Should I bother? Has it become worth the wait?

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I’m sorry, but it uninspired and boring. Just struggled through 3 episodes, but that’s it now.

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