I don't know why it's taken me so long but Holly Gibney (the P.I.) is supposed to be the same Holly Gibney from the Mr. Mercedes books. This happens right after Bill Hodges dies at the end of the 3rd book. They've changed her a bit. In the books because of all the weird stuff that happened to her and Bill she was more excepting of the wilder theories than others might have been.

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Upon watching this episode, and finishing it, I'm baffled how there are ten episodes, with six left. A good amount of progress has already been made in these four episodes, as well as in this episode, alone. Just what else could occur that takes up the runtime of six more episodes? I mean, I don't have a problem with that, if that's how it seems. If anything, I'm curious. As far as this episode is concerned, it's the best one, yet.

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I like this show so far, except for Holly. Her character is way too flat, to take that much screentime. I feel like writing a love interest to her character, was an attempt to give her a little more personality, but that didn't really work. A Love Story also doesn't fit into this show at all – and it didn't contribute anything to the story, so what was they point in writing it in?!?

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Oh so this show is about El Coco, yeah I know him, there’s a song about him eating little kids and he is kinda a local legend. So mystery solved!
I’m sorry but I don’t give a fck about jack losing his mind or about the shady strip club worker or about Holly’s childhood or love life, like I wanted to see El Coco terrorizing the little girls and the community, I thought this was supposed to be scary.
The first two episodes were so good and these other two kinda boring :/

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I'm really into this slow burn. I'm also a very vocal and unashamed King fan. He's one of our greatest storytellers and seems to have his finger on the pulse of creepy tales and other things that go bump in the night.

The Outsider works in how it plays onto our psyches. How we feel evil lurking in our societies and how that dread works into our minds. It's also just interesting to me. None of it is particularly original, but the execution and performances are really selling this for me.

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They should have cast the same actress from the Mr. Mercedes show as Holly. She did a fine job. Here they changed her for the sake of diversity and did cast a good actress.
Doesn’t feel like the same character at all though.

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