Great episode. They were able to cut out the excess and keep the plot well intact.

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Very nice pilot, amazing plot and show so far. Saw episodes 1 and 2, looking forward to next ones. Have a feeling of True Detective and X-Files to it. :clap_tone1:

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A terrific beginning. Good casting, solid acting, great atmosphere/mood and table-setting. And now that we've met at least most of the main players, it's time to figure out how a guy can be in two places at one time...

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Why are they barely acknowledging that this is a Stephen King book. I started watching and knew I had read this story and put it together. I never saw an advertisement saying it.

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yeah I jumped straight from Ozark to this to see more of Jason Bateman's direction. This dude is insanely talented. This is a fantastic pilot.

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Like the proverbial frog, sitting comfortably in a pot of water, unaware that the burner underneath has just been lit, The Outsider has Jason Bateman going about his fairly benign, average, small town life, blissfully unaware that it, like that frog, is about to come to a roiling boil, changing and potentially destroying everything and everyone they believe in, forever. Superbly cast, with the usual Steven King suspects, and also yeomanly produced and directed by the same said Mr Bateman, featuring Ben Mendelsohn as the primary antagonist facing a case that creeps it's way towards one more befitting Agents Mulder and Scully. Yes "there be monsters here...." as the old navigation charts used to warn those venturing too close to unknown waters. It should be interesting to see how these characters find their way through what lies ahead of them.

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This sucked me right in, so I hope the rest of the series lives up to the intrigue created here. Stephen King stories are notorious for their weak endings, so I guess it could go either way. I got very wrapped up in the mystery of Terry seeming to be in two places at once, and the characters are just about interesting enough at this stage. Strong performances all round and I love that I have no idea where this is going.

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Broadchurch or the Killing but with a science fiction/horror aspect. Which works due to fine acting and a great cast. It also helps that it is based on a Stephen King story.

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I don't feel like it fully captured my interest. It does have a level of intrigue, and I think that and the seemingly possible supernatural aspect, as well as the mystery behind it all, is the only thing it has going for it. That could change, of course, as there are ten episodes to the season which I think is a lot, given the premise. What could possibly be revealed that would make that many episodes be/feel worthwhile in the end? I feel like things will needlessly drag on. For those who've read the novel, I'm sure this show will be a matter of whether or not it's a good adaptation. For those who haven't, it may feel too dragged out for a simple/not complex enough or lackluster explanation.

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As usual, great concept, but molasses flows faster. Hopefully it picks up.

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The book was a bit dry. I think this translates much better on the small screen.

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Oh, I had no idea Jason was in this, had I known before I think I would’ve watched earlier! And I just finished The Nigh Of with Bill Camp so it’s nice seeing him again but on the other team.
So this is a good crime drama but I didn’t see the supernatural to it, other than the way the kid was killed, the man in the hoodie and the girl saying there was someone in her room, but the main mystery of him being at two places at the same time is so intriguing! And we have 9 more episodes to get full supernatural.

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I didn't find this pilot compelling enough to keep watching but I read it gets better so I'll stick with it. For now.

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Very slow start. The plot looks pretty good so far (I haven't read the Steven King story). But the constant jumping around in time drives me nuts and Ben Mendelshon speaks so little and so slowly and shows so little emotion, it's like he's not even there.

I'm interested in seeing where this goes but I hope it picks up some momentum!

I wanted to give it a 5 but bumped it up to a seven due to a good plot, Steven King, and several people telling me how good the series is.

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It was an extremely slow, very dragged-out pilot, The colors are all washed out, the music is slow and haunting, the characters speak slowly, with little emotion and in low voices.

It has a very British feel to it.

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A bit slow, but intriguing.

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