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The Outsider

Season 1

The should have been 5 maybe 6 episodes...It has been so dragged out that it became so uninteresting...

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Plot holes like a cave system but quite all right entertainment nonetheless.

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I thought overall it was a pretty solid short series. I went into it not knowing much about what it was about, so I was surprised by the turn it took. Like others have said, this shouldn't have been 10 episodes long, there's just not enough material to justify it. The last 4 episodes seemed kind of unnecessary, and could've easily been 2 episodes tops. I was sort of disappointed by the last episode, and how it seemed underwhelming.

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It started as fantastic with the first few episodes, but too much info was revealed far too quickly, taking a huge toll on the level of interest and the intrigue that served as fuel to said interest, and it became a matter of mustering interest that wasn't there, anymore, watching only to know how it will end, no longer having the appeal it once had. And alas, that enticing feeling that made you very interested in it and what would happen next was gone and never returned. It became too dragged out, although some may justify that in their understanding by coming up with reasons for that, to distract themselves from the fact that is there, that it WAS dragged out. It's like there was this divinely important quota that had to be met, at all costs, and that was having ten episodes, no room for compromise, to have fewer episodes for the story to be more condensed with little to no pointless filler, and dragged out aspects. If there ends up being a second season, I'd watch it, but I hope very much that what dragged this season down won't happen.

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This should have been 6 episodes or even less. The cast are fantastic and it's ridiculously gorgeous, but there's slow burn and then there's just spinning your wheels. After a very strong start it just peters out with a few glimmers of interest along the way.

The actors here can't be faulted at all though. In particular, Cynthia Erivo gave a fascinating performance as the peculiar Holly Gibney, and Ben Mendelsohn's emotional turn put me through the ringer a couple of times. I also thought that Julianne Nicholson gave a very strong and memorable performance as Glory.

I found that I did look forward to watching the episodes each week, but that's mostly due to the characters and the people playing them. When it comes to the actual plot it was a whole lot of nothing and while the resolution improved things it still fell pretty flat. This would have been much more powerful and lost nothing with a (much) shorter run time.

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I didn't expect much starting this show, but it was a welcome surprise. Great writing and photography.

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