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The Orville: Season 2

2x08 Identity (1)

I was absolutely loving the episode, until Ty — a child — casually walked out of the Orville, no authorization required, he literally just opened the door and left. That broke the episode, for me, even more so when you consider that was a crucial plot element for the big, shocking twist to be revealed. I can't believe Brannon Braga, a Star Trek: TNG veteran, wrote something as atrocious as that.
Everything else about this episode was utterly excellent and this would have been a sci-fi masterpiece, if it all didn't depend on that one badly written scene.

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Finally, a larger story line.

I knew Issac was bad news. Everyone was like "how romantic, her and that robot" which might work in those movies where there's that robot/cute emo girl pairing, w/the robot being like "what am i?" (Chappie, I'm thinking of you) but didn't work for me here since I've always seen Isaac as such an autistic douche. They amorphized him to their own peril; now the craft knows he's a jerk but at what cost. I assume they're going to try to reach his 'humanity' in the next ep to get out of this situation, assuming there is any to be reached? Either way we'll probably have a Deus ex Machina moment.

That graveyard was dark! That was unexpected.

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This show isn't supposed to be this good!

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The soundtrack in this episode is top notch.
And I mean, so is everything else, I suppose.

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Damn that guy can sing hella good.

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Well that escalated rather quickly

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Watch and learn, Alex Kurtzman. This is how it's done!

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Depending the outcome I'd say they have just stepped up the serious factor of this show by a lightyear. And we've just met the Borg of the Orville universe. Remember when Picard turned towards the screen saying "Resistance is futile" ? This comes damn close to my reaction back than.

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Will someone get Isaac an emotion chip, please? It's obvious that when the Kaylons first took Isaac for "repair" that they then substituted him with his evil twin, I-Lore. :)

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Wauw! Now this is storytelling. Every episode of the Orville now has ramped up to this one. Without a clear ark throughout the seasons they have, with one episode, achieved just that. The ramifications are enormous and the possibilities of future episodes staggering.

I teared up at one point during the episode only to be on the edge of my seat a few minutes later... And now I have to wait a whole week for the conclusion?! Goddamn! I remember Starfleet ships amassing together for the war that was to come and I had to wait a year for it to continue. This episode ranks right up there.

NOTE: Damn, a lot of redshirts died this episode! Which is ironic as someone stated not one redshirt even leaves the ship on STD.

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So heartbreaking ... and so shocking.

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After a series of stupid moralizing Mexican soap opera style episodes, finally the series kicked in high gear. I think there’s still hope!

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Wow finally. Such an amazing episode.

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This episode explains why the rest of the season was so mediocre: They had to save because this is where all the money went.
The daylight Orville shots alone were incredible. But the entire episode had a really high production value and also the plot was outstanding from the entire show so far.

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I like the concept of this episode, I like the plotline, but there are so many plot HOLES. Not only plot holes, but logic holes, too. I think this series would benefit enormously from having an operational security consultant to explain standard security pracices like not giving an entirely unknown AI race complete access to all your secure data, or, well that's all the time I have to write this, so I'm sure you all know how much more there is.

But, aside from all that, I really do like the plot of this, predictable as it was, finding the dead creator race underground was pretty clear, but then hilariously they went and told the Kalon about it right to their face, without backup, on their home planet, with no defence if they got upset about it; that's like insulting a gang member in front of his crew in the middle of his territory

Time for some more Isaac Arthur for realistic AI futures.

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Coexistence is futile impossible.

Still torn between really liking this show and finding it meh. Again to much "been there, done it before" in the storytelling. If the next episode is going to have a large battle at Wolf 359 I'm going to sign off...

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So, do you think Kaylon is more like the Geth or the Reapers? I vote for the Reapers!

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it's about time The Orville got a cliffhanger. Such an amazing episode on all fronts.

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Great episode. Good buildup, and exciting conclusion. Someone here compared it to a famous Star Trek TNG episode - I agree (No spoilers).


- Hey captain, are you sure we should leave the door open? its a hostile world, they might come in and steal our TV !
- No no, leave it open. Lets get some air here. Too many farts!
Boy casually walks outside for a stroll, door pass = 1234.

2 Super smart robots don't see him.

[/joke] haha ! :D

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I thought this episode was extremely bland, predictive, and really boring until the last 15 minutes, and then it got really good!

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I was surprised by the "2 parts" of the chapter and of course that cliffhanger that leaves you with your mouth open

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Stellaris was right! What do you know...

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