Now this is how you make a compelling sci-fi show CBS! The only thing that bothers me is the way too human-looking vehicles, computers, hospital equipment and weapons but I can't fault them for having to stay within their budget.

Great premise, great execution, a coherent, exciting episode instead of a flashy, bling bling mess that ignores any sort of plot there is.

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If I were a culture that scorned everyone born under a certain star sign, and invested a lot of time and money into throwing them into camps, I'd make sure everyone would go out of their way to not procreate nine (or however many) months before that star sign period.

Maybe it's just me.

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Will there be an egg?

hahahaha that was funny XD
Good episode, just not that wow, it is somehow poorly written!

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The flawed notion that you’re going to talk the people out of their own religion struck me as ridiculous and a waste of time.

The tack to take is that the two prisoners that were taken were not born under their stars, not born under the local astrological assumptions, so could not have the native-born deficiencies.

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Oh, boy that was almost perfect.. until they dropped the small issue of murdering prison guards. Oh well.
The premise was good and as ridiculous as any Earth's religion really, so it was believable.

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Stupid beliefs or deadly birthday? I believe that the first thing

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This was the first episode I actually disliked. The convenient timing of their wondrous star reappearing would've been obvious to literally everyone on that planet. The solution to this seemed way too easy. I think it would've been a better plot element if the first prefect had instead turned out to be secretly born under the bad zodiac sign.

Some of the scenes where they were talking to the admiral were cut in a weird way, too. Sudden emotional outburst by Ed and the new security chief - cut to group shot of everyone looking very stern. There was no natural flow during those discussions.

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i dont see any comedy anymore

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This might be the first time an episode of STD was better than the Orville episode broadcast in the same week.

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Starting to become a bit boring,not finding it as funny as the first season.

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Well they really pulled one over that whole society. But I wonder why Kelly and Bortus didn't have to face any consequences for shooting all those guards. That's a slight plot hole.
This story would not have worked as well in Star Trek because they have transporters so they would have to come up with some explanation why they can't use them. I think that is really a big plus for The Orville. Of course you're left here with another moral dilemma. Does the end justify the means. You can argue about whether or not the Rigorians world view is justified but they came there on their own. And it's not a concept alien to humanity itself. We did intern people for a multitude of reasons. And that is why this is another very good episode.

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Definitely back on tone this episode, after the first 4 felt kind of lost and going in very different directions. Probably helped that this is the first one Seth wrote this season. It feels like they desperately wanted to evolve the show into something new, but didn't know what and fell back on what they do well in this episode. Be interesting to see if they keep pushing for evolution or not. I miss what Alara used to bring too, that self doubt, innocence and resolve.

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"Sir we've discovered a planet with the same military traditions as America, but now they got two of our people". "That's ok, don't intervene. It's totally normal as we know it". "Ok we'll see if there's a diplomatic solution". How controversially contradicting. The first half was fun. The second half totally ruined it being so totally reflective of American traditions.

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Shout by dgw

A premise worthy of Star Trek, but with an execution worthy of Lost In Space (the original one). Too many plot holes. I feel a little bad for Robert Duncan McNeill having to work with a subpar script like this.

I really don't like Talla. Everything about her character grates on my being. She doesn't fit the tone of the show now, but maybe she would have fit in better in the first season. (I still wouldn't have liked her, though.)

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come on....

come on....
come on....

come on....

come on....

come on....

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