There were elements of this ep that I didn't enjoy and I'm glad they went in a sensible direction with it. I hope they continue the path of non-romance for Ed and Kelly.

More importantly though, that ending!! What a surprise! So guess time wasn't linear then and we have a new time line. Did the wipe not fully work? Or was the blip enough to throw her off kilter? Either way didn't see it coming. Well played. Hope this means potentially crossing over with that Kelly again at some point. I do like seeing parallel versions of people :D

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Anyone else SEE the reference to a Journey album in this episode? Nothing was said about it but there it was.

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What a totally unexpected ending, wow!!

I think now we can expect a different time line for the whole show xD

Another star trek style episode on a non star trek show :D

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That dance scene was hilarious.

Also, Sr. Kelly's line to LaMarr, "I know that face, what's wrong?" Cut to LaMarr, and his expression is exactly the same as it is in every single scene and every single line delivery.

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Oh man, that ending!

I'm still shipping Ed and Kelly at some point in the future, I don't even care if timelines get ruined in the process.

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Even if you do not want to admit it, your more mature self does not like the same things as your youngest self

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I enjoyed this so much! and man- she - is - hooottt...

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Shout by Gloom8
BlockedParent2020-02-13T23:08:23Z— updated 2022-05-31T13:45:22Z

Consequences? Awesome! Although part of me couldn't help, but think about some sort of "scar test" right at the start. But more important questions: Is she going to be a captain in the next episode? Will Orville even exist as a ship/crew in the next episode? Will their supposed "death storyline" from the season 1 comeback to bite them? Wait a minute. There are gonna be next season right? Right?...

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Some sci-fi nonsense when the crew can hear another ship passing by outside (sound waves can't travel in the vacuum of space), but nothing too out of the ordinary. Otherwise a pretty solid story.

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Shout by FinFan

That was an interesting ending. Shouldn't that reflect upon the things in the future....the present....the...whatever. If the memory wipe didn't work (assumption) than Kelly should've remembered the events unless they happened now for the first time or she intentionally avoided the subject. If it had already been happening than they would've not got married ??? Boy I hope I am using the right times in all of this. It's like Ed said: No one gets an "A" in time travel.

Reminds me a bit of the TNG episode where we get Thomas Riker. But again there is also a meaning to all of this. Don't we all have a point in our lives where we wish now we could have made different choices ? Things happen for a reason and no one knows what would have happened had we taken the other road.

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similar concept to the next generation second chances

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When an ASI is shooting at you I highly doubt that they will miss.

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What utter load of crap.

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very similar to the second chances episode from Tng

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