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The Orville: Season 1

1x10 Firestorm

Best episode yet. But who was responsible for the alligator?

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The best episode but maybe I think so just because I am crushing on Alara lol.

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Yeah, I'm not going to be able to sleep well tonight

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Robert Picardo! Such a joy to see him in an allegedly satire show of his former show. I do hope these trekkie treats will keep coming (c'mon, Seth, just get Patrick Stewart on speed dial, already).

This episode was creepy as hell! It's like The Orville stopped being The Enterprise for an episode to become the Event Horizon instead. I get shivers and goosebumps every time I think of that dreadful ship... Rambling aside, great creepy episode (good job with the clown, btw)!

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Arachnophobia warning! Besides that the episode is great.

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There is a wrong assumption that just because Orville has humor in it it’s a show for children, and Discovery is really for the grown ups and Trekkies. I would suggest it’s precisely the other way round.

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Ok I’m LOVING all the twists and turns this episode. Even I couldn’t figure out what was happening.

But man, poor Alara. It’s genuinely sad she felt the need to put herself through that terrible simulation, but I’m happy she conquered it despite all. I would’ve been pissed if it was all just a nightmare or if the crew put her through the simulation without her consent to teach her a lesson, but no. Alara put herself through it to toughen her up. Kudos.

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laaaaaame. so damn fecking predictable

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As soon as Alara saw the clown I knew she was still in the holodeck thing.

What's the point of making a show for Star Trek fans if you're just going to rehash everything ST has done?

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What a great episode! Think it may have been even better if they revealed the holodeck simulation until later, but other then that, was great!

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Episode centered on Alara, which is always good

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This was great, maybe my favourite so far. Parts of the episode genuinely creeped me out. Alara is great and really good when taking the lead in an episode.

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Shout by FinFan

Good as a character building episode as we learn about the fears of the crew. Other than that I´m sure most people guessed that she was in some kind of simulation. Since I am personally not a huge fan of horror stories of any kind this wasn´t my favorite episode. But the score here was really great.

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Another week, another great outing for the show that I almost didn't even give a chance. A good story, some character development for Alara, and a near-perfect amount of humor combine to make this one a winner.

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Shout by Nick

Seems like this episode should have aired around halloween time but still funny and entertaining nonetheless.

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