Outstanding episode that shows how Michael, deep down, believes in what he does and the people he supervises, no matter how inept he may be at his job. There's lots of laughs in his embarrassing speech to Ryan's class, and lots of great human moments, like when he gives Pam the acceptance she needs when her art show's going poorly. Really great work on both the comedy and emotion front.

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I liked Michael at the end; it turns out, he can be normal and kind.

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Stanley: Goooood bye.

Died laughing!

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I don't know why people feel sorry for Ryan, he brought that on himself, and he was selfish; and he clearly knew how Michael would be when he invited him!
The ending with Michael & Pam tho! that was so sweet and emotional!

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That last scene between Michael and Pam was very sweet. Michael really has his moments

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Beautiful ending.

And putting Ryan there was worse than firing him :joy:

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What a cute ending, so lovely

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I can't stop feeling sorry for Ryan!

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i just loved that pam and michael moment at the end.

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That random classmate of Ryans that ratted him out deserves an uppercut

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Michael made me cry at the end. That was very nice of him

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Loved the college and the vampire stuff. Also very sweet moment with Pam in the art gallery.

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my favorite episode of the show so far.

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